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Fibrus Community Fund


May 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are getting in touch to let you know about a new round of funding from the Fibrus Community Fund.

The Fund is aimed at addressing digital poverty and exists to support the work of communities in particular areas of Cumbria, to provide access to digital technology for the most vulnerable.

Those who have benefitted recently include village halls, scouts and cubs, youth projects, churches and many others.

You can read more here

The deadline for submitting your application is May 17th.

You can find out more and apply for support for digital learning here:Cumbria Community Foundation

Train Strikes


April 2024

As a result of ASLEF strike action, Northern services will not operate on Thursday 9 May.

Additional disruption is expected between Monday 6andSaturday 11 Maydue to action short of strike called by ASLEF.

We’re encouraging customers to check before they travel if they’re travelling with Northern or another train operator, as industrial action may affect multiple parts of their journey.

Some Northern services are expected to be very busy on routes shared with other train operators.

Information about the industrial action for customers is available on our website at which will be regularly updated.

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Help to claim support


April 2024

Help to Claim support – Universal Credit

Following a recent grant competition, DWP are pleased to advise that Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland will continue to deliver “Help to Claim” support independently across England, Scotland, and Wales for two years from April 2024.

This means that free confidential and impartial support will continue to be available to help people make a new Universal Credit claim, including those invited to move from legacy benefits to Universal Credit, and manage their claim, up to receiving their first correct payment. That additional support beyond the initial claim gateway is vital for clients who need help with rent verification, get a bank account, access Visiting Officer support and other more complex issues.

The support will continue to be provided through telephony and digital channels. For those individuals who are unable to access support via these channels, they will be able to go to their local jobcentre, where jobcentre staff will identify the right support to meet their needs. This support is already in place and available to those individuals who choose to seek advice from the Department directly in making a claim to Universal Credit.

Further information on Help to Claim and when to signpost or refer can be found on the Interneton: Contact us about applying for Universal Credit - Citizens Advice & New 'Help to Claim' service provides extra Universal Credit support - GOV.UK (

This is an excellent support offer and It would be very ideal if W&F can highlight the service via council support staff such as customer service teams, SEND teams, social workers etc. Always good to be able to sign post clients to comprehensive support when additional need is understood.

Temporary Road Closure


January 2024

A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow BT Openreach to carry out utility works which are expected to commence 22nd January 2024 and anticipated to take 5 days to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the restriction and any alternative routes which may be in place, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link

Location: a section of the C5018 Lowick Bridge, from its junction with the A5084, extending in a westerly direction for a distance of approx. 210 metres.

Alternative Route:A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times and a suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the A5084 and the unrestricted section of the C5018.

Should you have any queries in relation to this temporary Order please contact the Highways Hotline by calling 0300 373 3306 or via the Westmorland & Furness Council website, quoting the reference TTROW/9161

Help over Christmas


December 2023

Please find via the link from Westmorland and Furness Council information outlining the help available with food, financial problems, domestic abuse and other issues over the Christmas period.

Cost of Living Support | Westmorland and Furness Council

Warm Spots


December 2023

Westmorland and Furness has published the full Warm Spots list and map. The Warm Spots and WAF Winter Ready page and ready to view, -(Right Click and Open Hyperlink)

A Warm Spot offers a warm, welcoming space for people to visit this winter if they need it. They are run by a range of different organisations including churches, village halls, local councils and libraries

Winter ready | Westmorland and Furness Council – (Right Click and Open Hyperlink)

Our frontline services have been preparing for the colder months, and at Westmorland and Furness Council, we are winter ready.

Slow Ways


November 2023

Get your community properly connected to the Slow Ways national walking network

We are delighted to invite your council to contribute to the creation of Slow Ways - an ambitious crowd-sourced, community-verified national walking network that connects all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks.

Boosting walking and wheeling remains a top priority for all councils. Slow Ways is a great resource to help you achieve that goal.

Supported by the National Lottery Community Fund, our mission is to make it easier for people to walk and wheel between places. Having a network of recommended and trusted routes is key to unlocking this - and you have the power to help.

Contributing to the Slow Ways walking network will help your council and community across multiple agendas including:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Connecting people and communities
  • The Climate Emergency
  • Active Travel
  • Tourism, Leisure, Culture, Heritage
  • Accessing Nature
  • Planning
  • Levelling Up
  • Cost of Living
  • Happiness and joy

A map of the slow ways walking network.

Citizens from across the country have already drafted 9,000 routes that stretch for over 130,000km (80,000 miles).

Now these routes need checking on the ground to make sure they are good enough for people to follow. Councils are uniquely positioned to help with that challenge.

So far 1 in 5 Slow Ways have been checked and verified by people across the country. This is an incredible collective achievement.

We now need your help to scale-up our national effort and verify the whole the network. Each route requires at least three positive reviews and a survey for it to become part of the Slow Ways trusted network.

The aim is for every place in the network to be 100% checked. Once that’s happened we’ll have jointly created a national network that everyone can use. Every place in the network has a place page like Kimberley does, why not search for a local town here to see how it’s getting on?

Learn more - Download our toolkit to discover how and why to help.

Walk the walk - Choose a suitable route from the Slow Ways website or iPhone app, walk it and then leave a review. You can do this on your own or better still, organise a day for the wider community or Parish to walk all of the Slow Ways in your area.

Share this message- Do you know people or groups in your council or community who would like to get involved? Please share this opportunity by forwarding this message and posting it online and in newsletters.

Stay in the loop - Would you like to be kept up to date with the progress of Slow Ways? Sign up for the Friends of Slow Ways newsletter.

Councils have extraordinary collective potential to come together to make a big difference to this incredible national effort.

Please accept this invitation to join in. We’d love for you to be part of it.

To find out more information please visit the Slow Ways website.

Woodland Trust Tree Giveaway


November 2023

The Woodland Trust is giving away free trees to Town & Parish Councils…

Since 2010, The Woodland Trust has given away 13 million free trees to schools and communities across the UK.

We want to make sure everybody has the chance to plant a tree, so we’re still giving away hundreds of thousands of them every year. Together, we'll get millions more trees in the ground in our quest to hit the UK’s carbon net-zero target.

We are currently accepting applications for free trees from local councils, town councils and parish councils, as well as from schools and community groups in their area, and we would like to ask for your support in getting the message out.

Eligible groups can apply for up to 420 free saplings per application window, with our deliveries taking place every year in March and November. Applications processed now will receive their saplings in March 2024, just in time for planting season!

You can find more information about the Free Trees for Schools and Communities initiative on our website, as well as a link to the application form.

Health and Wellbeing Consultation.


November 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below details of a health and wellbeing consultation. Responses from councillors / clerks and residents all welcomed…

Westmorland and Furness’ Health and Wellbeing Board is developing a new Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This will describe how partners and organisations across Westmorland and Furness will work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and reduce inequalities.

In order to guide priority setting, we would like to hear from our residents and communities to understand their priorities for improving health and wellbeing. We have developed a short survey to gather this information and will present the findings to the Health and Wellbeing Board and other key partners to inform the strategy.

Please can you share the survey with all relevant groups and organisations? We would like to hear from as many people as possible.


Westmorland and Furness Council

Westmoreland and Furness Council TRO Consultation


November 2023

Westmorland and Furness Council is seeking comments and objections on proposals. The purpose of this consultation is to offer you the opportunity to let us know what you think about the proposals described on pages 3 and 4 and the corresponding plans. We are writing to inform you of the proposals and to allow you to comment or object before a decision on the final scheme, and whether to implement the restrictions, is made.

This statutory consultation gives you the opportunity to make your comments for consideration in the final decision. The consultation and objection period is 21 days and the deadline for replies is 30th November 2023.

Please find enclosed the following documents:

· Statement of reasons for the proposals

· Statutory notices

· Drawing SLBRIDGE2023.02.1.1 Middle Fell Bridge - Prohibition of Motor Vehicles

· Drawing SLBRIDGE2023.02.2.1 Main Drain Bridge - 7.5 Tonnes Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Limit

· Drawing SLBRIDGE2023.02.2.2 Water Yeat Bridge - 7.5 Tonnes Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Limit

· Drawing SLBRIDGE2023.02.2.3 Bridge End Bridge - 7.5 Tonnes Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Limit

· Drawing SLBRIDGE2023.02.2.4 Fell Foot Bridge - 7.5 Tonnes Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Limit

· Drawing SLBRIDGE2023.02.3.1 Newland Mill Bridge - 10 Tonnes Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Limit


The consultation and advertising period is from date. Please email your comments and objections , or by post to the address below or handed in to County Hall Reception, the attention of the Traffic Management Team with Reference SLBRIDGE2023.02/EU. Deadline for replies is 30th November 2023.

When will the proposals be finalised and implemented on the ground?

Following advertising and consultation on the proposals, a report will be prepared to go before the Council Locality Board for South Lakeland in January 2024. The Committee will make the final decision as to what will be implemented. We will endeavour to inform you of the committee decision in due course. If the Committee agree to implement the proposals, the making of the traffic order and the placing of signs and markings should take place within a 3 to 4 month period after the decision.

Slow Ways


October 2023

Get your community properly connected to the Slow Ways national walking network

Hello Christine,

We are delighted to invite your council to contribute to the creation of Slow Ways - an ambitious crowd-sourced, community-verified national walking network that connects all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks.

Boosting walking and wheeling remains a top priority for all councils. Slow Ways is a great resource to help you achieve that goal.

Supported by the National Lottery Community Fund, our mission is to make it easier for people to walk and wheel between places. Having a network of recommended and trusted routes is key to unlocking this - and you have the power to help.

Contributing to the Slow Ways walking network will help your council and community across multiple agendas including:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Connecting people and communities
  • The Climate Emergency
  • Active Travel
  • Tourism, Leisure, Culture, Heritage
  • Accessing Nature
  • Planning
  • Levelling Up
  • Cost of Living
  • Happiness and joy

A map of the slow ways walking network.

Citizens from across the country have already drafted 9,000 routes that stretch for over 130,000km (80,000 miles).

Now these routes need checking on the ground to make sure they are good enough for people to follow. Councils are uniquely positioned to help with that challenge.

So far 1 in 5 Slow Ways have been checked and verified by people across the country. This is an incredible collective achievement.

We now need your help to scale-up our national effort and verify the whole the network. Each route requires at least three positive reviews and a survey for it to become part of the Slow Ways trusted network.

The aim is for every place in the network to be 100% checked. Once that’s happened we’ll have jointly created a national network that everyone can use. Every place in the network has a place page like Kimberley does, why not search for a local town here to see how it’s getting on?

Will your council help check your local part of the network?

Learn more - Download our toolkit to discover how and why to help.

Walk the walk - Choose a suitable route from the Slow Ways website or iPhone app, walk it and then leave a review. You can do this on your own or better still, organise a day for the wider community or Parish to walk all of the Slow Ways in your area.

Share this message- Do you know people or groups in your council or community who would like to get involved? Please share this opportunity by forwarding this message and posting it online and in newsletters.

Add Slow Ways to your next meeting -Discuss how your council can help to get your local routes verified and surveyed.

Stay in the loop - Would you like to be kept up to date with the progress of Slow Ways? Sign up for the Friends of Slow Ways newsletter.

Councils have extraordinary collective potential to come together to make a big difference to this incredible national effort.

Please accept this invitation to join in. We’d love for you to be part of it.

To find out more information please visit the Slow Ways website.

Yours sincerely,


Relationships, Connections and Assemblage Lead

Vaccines and Winter Weather


September 2023

Covid-19 Vaccines

If you're eligible for a Covid-19 booster this autumn, you can now book it via the NHS website (or by calling 119):

Press Release: NHS England » NHS booking opens for life-saving Covid vaccinations

Online Booking: Book, cancel or change a COVID-19 vaccination appointment - NHS (

[Some people will have already been invited for a vaccine by their GP surgery, etc)

The main groups of people eligible are those over 65, people with some underlying health conditions, pregnant women, carers, and frontline health and social staff.

If you want to check the full list of eligible health conditions, it's in Table 3 (on page 23) of

Greenbook chapter 14a (

Flu Vaccines

Flu vaccines are more widely available from many pharmacies - free on the NHS to similar groups of people who are eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine

Find a pharmacy that offers the NHS flu vaccine - NHS - NHS (

The list of underlying health conditions that make you eligible for a flu vaccine are slightly different to those for the Covid-19 vaccine, so it's worth a check of the detail (on the link above) if you're unsure - for example, my asthma is severe enough to make me eligible for a free flu jab, but not a Covid-19 one.

It's also possible to book (and pay for) a flu vaccine at some pharmacies if you're not eligible for a free NHS jab (and some employers will make free vaccines available to their staff).

The general advice remains the same - if you're eligible for either of the vaccines, then it's best to take up that offer as soon as possible.

And if you've picked up any kind of respiratory infection (cold, flu, Covid, etc), then please take reasonable steps to avoid giving it to the rest of us - in particular, avoiding contact with those people who are more vulnerable to severe symptoms if they catch a respiratory illness.

Winter Weather

And yes, the damp autumn weather has arrived - with a Yellow Warning for Rain in place until tomorrow evening:

UK weather warnings - Met Office

That means it's also a good time to think about signing up to Flood Alerts and Flood Warnings if you haven't already - all the info is on here: Sign up for flood warnings - GOV.UK (

Remember that you can sign up for Flood Warnings for areas other than your home - you might want to get warnings for your workplace, your child's school, or for a relative?

Health Watch Westmorland & Furness


September 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Health Watch Westmorland & Furness are making a final push for responses to their consultation. They are keen to hear from clerks, colleagues or residents of your communities. The consultation closes on the 7th of October 2023. Ollie Flitcroft is the Engagement Officer managing this work and he would be grateful to receive any feedback you may have. You can contact him or01228 236338. He is able to travel to consult with small groups over the next couple of weeks if this helps your community provide a view.

Further information as below

Home - Healthwatch Westmorland and Furness ( About Healthwatch Westmorland and Furness

Have your say on accessible communication from GP’s dentists and pharmacists - Healthwatch Westmorland and Furness ( weblink to survey

New reduced fare bus travel card for 5-20 year olds.


September 2023

Freedom to travel for less in Westmorland & Furness -The new reduced fare bus travel card for 5-20 year olds. Whatever you’re into, the A2B NoWcard can get you there. If you are aged 5-20 and live in Westmorland and Furness, you can travel on local buses for up to £1.80 for a single journey or £3.00 return. Go anywhere in Westmorland and Furness and as far as Keswick, Carlisle and Lancaster for less. Get an application form from your local library or download from

Coppermines Grizedale Stages Rally 2023.


September 2023

This year, the rally itself will be taking place on the evening of Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd December 2023.

We expect to have 80 competitors, each running 1 minute apart. Times given below are for the first competitor.

On Friday 1st December, competitors will arrive at Skelwith Fold for Scrutineering (Technical and safety checks) from midday. Then in the evening competitors tackle one stage in Grizedale East, travelling from Skelwith Fold [17:30hrs] via Outgate, Hawkshead and Dale Park to enter the forest at Blind Lane [18:00hrs]. They return to Skelwith Fold via the West side of Grizedale to High Cross [18:24hrs], then via Drunken Duck and B5286 and enter at the ‘front gate’.

On Saturday the competitive sections take place in Grizedale West and Broughton Moor. Competitors will be starting from Coniston [09:30hrs] and heading up the B5285 and entering the forest at Tinklers Wood [09:40hrs]. After two special stages they exit at the Heald [10:14hrs] and head South on the East of Lake Road, through High Nibthwaite and across to Water Yeat. Then North on the A5084 to Torver and West on the A593 to Piggy Lane. They then take the minor road past Wallenrigg to enter the forest at the South-Western corner of the forest [10:54hrs]. After they finish the stage at the Eastern corner, they return back round to the start [11:09hrs]

After the second stage in Broughton Moor [11:14hrs] the competitors return to Skelwith Fold via the A593, Torver, Coniston to Skelwith Bridge, then up the minor roads through Skelwith to enter the caravan park at the ‘back gate’ [11:44hrs].

After Service the competitors return to Grizedale for a repeat of the two morning stages. They leave from the ‘front gate’ [12:49hrs] and head via the B5286, Drunken Duck, High Cross and re-enter at Tinklers Wood [13:04hrs]. After the two stages they exit again at the Heald [13:38hrs], then head North on the East of Lake Road past Brantwood and finish at Ruskin Avenue car park in Coniston [13:53hrs]

Most competitors will then return to Skelwith Fold to re-load the cars onto their trailers and head home.

There will be two spectator car parks on Friday and four on Saturday.

Westmorland and Furness Household Support Fund


September 2023

Westmorland and Furness Household Support Fund – crisis support for households in need: How to refer in vulnerable clients

Westmorland and Furness Council has set aside £1m (of a £3.5m government fund) to help people struggling to afford energy, food, water bills and other essentials. The application-based fund will be available until 31 March 2024 andcomprises an online application or a telephone-based service which will provide vouchers that can be redeemed at post offices to pay for household essentials including utilities, food, and other essentials.

You can refer clients to this service or residents can apply themselves (see details below).

We are encouraging referrals by our partners (including registered charities, DWP Job Centres as well as internal services within the Council (e.g., Adult Social Care and Children’s services, Housing, Customer services, Community development officers).

The Fund is intended to support a wide range of low income households in need including families with children of all ages, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people (disabled people in particular may be facing acute challenges due to the disproportionate impact).

The Fund will support low-income households with essential costs related to energy, food, water, and essential wider costs.A sustainable contribution towards energy costs is particularly encouraged for example, the insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods.

The Fund can support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this need.


Households facing an emergency Welfare need, crisis or severe hardship will be eligible for support, advice and guidance with the option of being signposted or referred to a service that will best meet their needs. People may also get practical help through food banks, recycled furniture, and white goods.

People may be eligible for support if they are:

· A person or family residing in Westmorland and Furness

· 16 and over

· Have low income or no access to funding

· Facing crisis or severe hardship

Groups most likely to be considered for financial assistance are those with:

• Children under the age of 16

• Long term health issues / Disability or are

• Elderly

Financial assistance will be made to meet the immediate crisis/ hardship, allowing the person time to link with other agencies.

Please refer vulnerable clients to this fund if they are struggling to cover household expenses.


· For more information on the support and advice available to help with the cost of living, please visit Cost of Living Support - financial support | Westmorland and Furness Council.

To submit a referral application, you can:

  • Apply online - This is the quickest way to support your clients to apply. Your application will be assessed and prioritised by the Welfare Team.
  • Call the Welfare Team on 0300 373 3300. We are prioritising calls from high-risk groups.

Temporary Road Closure


June 2023

A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Electricity North West to carry out utility works etc which are expected to commence 3rd July 2023 and anticipated to take 3 days to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the restriction and any alternative routes which may be in place, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link

Location: a section of the C5023, Spark Bridge from its junction with the C5022, extending in a north westerly direction for a distance of approx. 700 metres.

Alternative Route: A suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the unrestricted section of the C5023, A5092 and the C5022.

Should you have any queries in relation to this temporary Order please contact the Highways Hotline by calling 0300 373 3306 or via the Westmorland & Furness Council website, quoting the reference TTRO/5001

Kind Regards

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Team

Hot weather Advice


June 2023

Emergency Alerts


April 2023

You may well have seen some information on this on social media; below (in blue) is a summary of the new Emergency Alerts system from Cabinet Office. This system can be used to send a text message to all (modern) mobile phones within a local area.

The Emergency Alerts system is now live - it can be used in a situation where there is a significant threat to life (for example, when a Severe Flood Warning is issued).

The system will be tested on Sunday 23 April - I've attached the Comms Pack, which links to the resources available for social media, posters, etc (and have also attached a couple of the key resources - a leaflet and poster).

Whilst Emergency Alerts will be very positive for most people, we've also been asked by the NHS and the Safer Cumbria partnership to remain aware of the fact that there are people, for example those who experience domestic abuse, who have a secret mobile phone that they may not want to receive alerts as they might reveal its existence/location - they are advised to turn this phone off (or turn off emergency alerts - instructions in info attached) for the test period.

Emergency Alerts

Many of you will have received this information though separate channels. The date for a UK-wide Welcome Message to the Service isSunday 23 April. There is no perfect date for a test and there will of course already be public events taking place on the 23 April which may influence precise timing. I will share the exact timing of the message with this group when I have it.

As many of you will be aware, the system will broadcast messages to people’s phones in the event of a scenario that poses a significant threat to life. Thenational press release went out on Sunday 19th March. As planned previously, the Welcome Message will be sent to all compatible phones in the UK. It will clearly indicate that no action is required and that this is a test of the system. Ahead of this, Cabinet Office is working with partners to deliver the public information campaign in support of the new system.

Cabinet Office Communications and the Emergency Alerts Team are asking that you support the public campaign to ensure that all stakeholders are informed of the Welcome Message date - in particular this relates to ensuring that vulnerable groups are informed about the alerts and are aware of how they can opt out of receiving these. There area range of assets at this google drive and in the slide deck attached (social assets, suggested copy, key messaging, factsheet) available to share across your channels, newsletters, direct mails (both internal and external), web article content & social channels - plus any other channels which are most effective for reaching your audience.Please share the assets across all your channels and networks. You can find out more about Emergency Alerts



March 2023

29 March 2023


Town criers will be ringing the changes this weekend as the biggest reorganisation of council structures in nearly 50 years takes effect.

On Saturday, 1 April, Westmorland and Furness Council officially takes over responsibility for all council services across the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas and the existing Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District councils, along with Cumbria County Council, will be dissolved.

Town crierswill proclaim the vesting of the new Westmorland and Furness Council at 1pm at Barrow Town Hall, Market Place in Kendal and the Bandstand on Cornmarket in Penrith town centre, before pinning up the formal ‘proclamation’ for all to see.

Westmorland and Furness Council will be England’s third largest unitary authority by area when it comes into effect this weekend, providing services to approximately 225,000 residents.

In the biggest change to local government structures since 1974, Government announced its decision to create two new unitary councils for Cumbria in July 2021. Since then work has been carried out to create the two new authorities.

Westmorland and Furness Council will provide services - including waste and recycling collections, children’s services, planning, highways and adult social care - in the current Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas, while the new Cumberland Council takes over the delivery of services in Carlisle, Allerdale and Copeland.

Sam Plum, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Chief Executive, said: "Saturday will be a significant day for local government in this area.

“We have worked very hard over the last 18 months to prepare for this moment and to ensure that the key services our communities rely on will continue unaffected.

“We have ambitious plans for the future and we are looking forward to starting the work to improve and transform services so that we can deliver the very best outcomes for our residents, customers and communities.’’

To find out more about Westmorland and Furness Council, go




March 2023


A scheme offering up to 100% reduction in council tax for low-income households has been agreed by the new Westmorland and Furness Council.

The council has approved asingle, unified council tax reduction scheme that will come into effect from 1 April – supporting people on benefits or with low incomes.

It applies to working age residents in Westmorland and Furness. The amount of reduction received is based on income, if you have any savings and your personal circumstances, ie whether you have children, have a disability etc.

It is estimated that more than 13,000 households across Westmorland and Furness could be supported by the scheme.

The new unified scheme replaces the different council tax reduction schemes previously offered by Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District councils, when those councils cease operations on 1 April.

Pensioners, subject to their income, can receive up to 100% support towards their council tax under a nationally administered scheme.

Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland councils were among fewer than 40 local authorities nationally that previously offered a fully-funded council tax reduction scheme for working age claimants. Westmorland and Furness Council’s decision to maintain the scheme at that level means residents on the lowest incomes will continue to receive the maximum amount of support with their council tax.

Councillor Andrew Jarvis, Westmorland and Furness Council’s finance portfolio holder,said: “This is a scheme that the council doesn’t have to offer, but we choose to do so because it helps protect people on low incomes.

“We are still one of the councils in the country that continues to fund up to 100% reductions in Council Tax for those eligible households.

“This scheme is one which makes a real contribution towards improving the financial wellbeing of people who could otherwise find themselves facing real hardship or struggling to pay their bills, especially during the current cost of living crisis.

“It underlines our Council Plan priority to support people in need and reduce inequalities in our communities and I would encourage people to check if they could be eligible for support.’’

For more on the Council Tax Reduction scheme, including information about eligibility criteria details,

Council Tax


March 2023

16 March 2023


As council tax bills start being delivered to homes across the Westmorland and Furness area this week, the public are being reminded that the new bills will be different to before.

Westmorland and Furness Council will officially take over responsibility for all council services across the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas from 1 April and the existing Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District councils, along with Cumbria County Council, will be dissolved.

But as the new council tax authority, the bills for 2023/24, which will be delivered this week, will feature the Westmorland and Furness Council logo, not the current district councils.

The paper bill people receive is usually the only way the council will be in contact. If people receive a phone call, email or letter with different or unfamiliar contact details, it might be a scam. Please contact the council to check.

The total council tax charge is made up of separate charges from Westmorland and Furness Council (a standard charge plus a charge specifically for adult social care), Cumbria Police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and, for most households, your parish or town council.

Each organisation is responsible for deciding how much council tax it charges.

This year, for the first time, there is a separate charge for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, because from 1 April they will be a stand-alone organisation, not part of the council.

For people who already pay their council tax by Direct Debit, that will transfer automatically to Westmorland and Furness Council. This is part of the legal transition from the old councils.

But in April only, Direct Debit payments will be taken from accounts on 6 April. This is a different date to normal. After April, payments will be taken on the day people have been used to (either the 1st or 5th day of the month). If you pay by Standing Order, you may need to update the details of the order to ensure payment is made.

Included with bills will be more information about the new council, the area it covers, and what its priorities are.

Also included will be information about the council tax reduction scheme, which is available to low-income households and could mean up to a 100% reduction in what you pay.

Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Andrew Jarvis, said: “The new bills will look different to those people have been used to, and will include charges from different organisations, not just Westmorland and Furness Council.

“We know that scammers can sometimes try to exploit changes like this, so be alert and contact us if you are concerned.

“I would also stress that if anyone is worried about how they will pay their bill then they should also get in touch. We have agreed a council tax reduction scheme to support people on low incomes and it is important that people don’t miss out if they are eligible.”

Until April 1, people should contact their current District/Borough Council with any questions, after 1 April all contact should be made to Westmorland and Furness Council at or by calling 0300 373 3300.



March 2023

14 March 2023


Residents are being reassured that key services will continue to operate as they do now when a new council starts life on 1 April.

In the biggest change to Cumbria’s council structures since 1974, two new ‘unitary’ councils are being formed, to replace the existing set-up of six district councils and Cumbria County Council.

Westmorland and Furness Council will officially take over responsibility for all services across the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas from 1 April and the existing Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District councils, along with Cumbria County Council, will be dissolved.

Leader of Westmorland Furness Council, Councillor Jonathan Brook, says that thanks to months of careful preparations the transition to the new council in just over two weeks should have no impact on service delivery.

Councillor Brook commented: “Creating a brand new council from scratch is a huge undertaking and has taken an incredible amount of hard work, since Government announced its decision to create two new unitary councils for Cumbria in July 2021.

“Westmorland and Furness Council will be England’s third largest unitary authority by area, delivering services to 225,000 people across nearly 4,000 square kilometres - everything from waste and recycling collections to children’s services, planning, highways and adult social care.

“We have taken great care to make sure your current services are maintained, when we transition to the new council on 1 April – which means that things like bin collection days stay the same and you can still contact us for help and report issues.’’

Councillor Brook continued: “We are ambitious for the future and our Council Plan sets out how we want to look at ways to improve, develop and transform our services over the coming years.

“We believe that bringing all these different services ‘under one roof’, gives us a great opportunity to make them more joined up, efficient and effective. We are determined to make changes that both improve service and deliver better value for money.

“This level of service transformation, across such a significant area like Westmorland and Furness, will not happen overnight. It will be a complex process and will involve careful and rigorous planning and negotiation. We can’t commence that work in earnest until we have control of these services from 1 April.

“So until we can make improvements, we will ensure the services our communities receive will continue without disruption.’’

Service transformation priorities for the new council include looking at waste and recycling collections, to ensure these are harmonised and residents receive the same service wherever they live in Westmorland and Furness.

Pending the outcome of that work, waste and recycling collection arrangements in the current Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland council areas will operate as they do now, which means they will continue to be delivered by the same people and vehicles, the same containers will be used to collect the same materials and collection days will remain the same.

Councillor Brook added: “We believe that creating a brand new council provides us with a huge opportunity to create a fresh vision for our area, to make Westmorland and Furness a great place to live, work and thrive.

“Following the transition to the new council, we will be able to really start to develop those ambitions and fully intend to work with our residents, customers and communities over the next few years to deliver the very best outcomes.’’

To read more about Westmorland and Furness Council’s vision, priorities and values, see the Council Plan page

Household Support Fund after LGR


March 2023

Household Support Fund after LGR

We know that Household Support Fund money from government will continue at a similar level for the next 12 months (until April 2024) - which means that there will be approx. £4m for Cumberland & £3m for Westmorland and Furness next financial year.

For at least the first six months, spend will continue to be similar to it is now - for example, there'll be Free School Meal Vouchers through the Easter Holidays.

There'll still be hardship payments available through the Helpline team - they'll remain as a single team for the first six months or so post-LGR, hosted by Westmorland and Furness Council.

Nothing, including the contact details, will change dramatically on 1 April; all the current phone numbers, email addresses, etc, should work in the short term, and then there'll be a transition period when both old and new work.


Criteria for hardship payments will remain broadly as they are at the moment (i.e. the groups most likely to receive a payment, such as families with children under 16, are the same in the short term)

Payments will revert back to typically being around £100 (but with flexibility to give larger payments)

The existing Helpline number - 0800 783 1966 - will still work (and then new numbers will be advertised in time)

Online applications will still be the easiest option for many people - if people visit the current Cost of Living Webpages ( ) they should be re-directed to the appropriate part of the new Unitary website as they go live.

Partner organisations can still use the same referral email (and form) - emails will be forwarded in the short term, and you'll be informed when new email addresses are set up and running

In terms of the Cost-of-Living website more generally ( - again, the current link should get people to the information they need, redirecting them to information on the new Unitary websites (which, initially, is likely to just be a copy of the current information). This is one of the things we'll have a look at in the April meeting.

National Citizens Advice Webinar

There's also national Citizen's Advice Briefing/Webinar on the Cost of Living Crisis on 21 March that some of you might be interested in (thanks to Andy Auld & Joanna Coleman):

Alternative Energy Support


March 2023


Householders not eligible for the £400 energy bills support payment can apply to an alternative scheme from today (Monday).

The Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS Alternative Funding) is a one-off £400 non-repayable discount to eligible households aimed not eligible for the main EBS £400 payment paid directly by government to energy suppliers and credited to energy bills.

EBSS Alternative Funding will target households who are responsible for paying for energy used in their primary dwelling as part of a service charge, rent or other arrangement – for example, those with a commercial landlord or intermediary, such as park home residents, some housing association tenants and self-funding residents in care homes.

Individuals must apply for the EBSS Alternative Funding via the government website at:

Local authorities are then responsible for distributing support payments to eligible applicants.

SLDC has been awarded £628,000 to deliver the approximately 1,570 payments of £400 per household, based upon government estimations of the number of eligible households within the district.

Councillor Suzie Pye, South Lakeland District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, said: "I urge anybody eligible for EBSS Alternative Funding to go to the government website and apply – or check the eligibility information if you think you might be eligible.

"This support could mean a great deal to many people and we at South Lakeland District Council are committed to doing the best we possibly can to getting these grants to those who need them."

Notifications informing the applicant of the outcome of their application will be sent directly from the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero, not SLDC. There will be a central call centre where applicants should raise any queries or objections with in the first instance.


To be eligible for EBSS Alternative Funding applicants must meet the following criteria on the date of their application:

  • The dwelling for which support is being claimed is the main or sole residential address of the applicant;
  • The applicant or resident is responsible for paying for energy used in the dwelling as part of a service charge, rent or other arrangement, and may, through these charges increasing, have the impact of increased energy bills costs passed on to them between 1 October 2022 and 31 March 2023;
  • The household is not already receiving EBSS payments, either through the main EBSS scheme or the EBSS Alternative Funding, in whole or in part.

Provided they can provide sufficient proof of address and are not otherwise ineligible, households eligible for EBSS Alternative Funding include:

  • park home residents;
  • housing association, social and private tenants, and leaseholders, supplied via a landlord with a commercial meter
  • partly and wholly self-funded care home residents;
  • households in house boats on residential moorings;
  • households on a private electricity network, for example those supplied by a heat network;
  • off-grid households;
  • traveller households on authorised sites;
  • households who live in a dwelling on business premises that is used wholly or partly for domestic purposes;
  • households in temporary/supported accommodation (where responsible for paying utilities, and have been resident for over 1 month prior to application).


For more information, please contact the SLDC Communications Team on 01539 793300.

Energy Bill Support


February 2023

Energy Bill Support Scheme (national info relevant to people on prepayment meters)

The EBSS is delivering a £400 discount to households to help with energy bills this winter.

Although most of the scheme is working well, BEIS are have noted that households with traditional prepayment meters (who receive their discount in the form of a voucher that they need to redeem) may not be receiving this support.

The most recent data indicates that almost 30% of vouchers issued in the first half of the scheme have not yet been redeemed. We’ve been asked to circulate these materials to help raise awareness to increase uptake.

BEIS already have products ready for circulation and some have been translated in other languages. Please see here link to a digital poster that is also available in multiple languages:


A public notice sheet with thorough and clear instructions of what people need to do to redeem their vouchers.

A brief for frontline advisers with questions they can ask when people come and seek help. Just in case any members of your networks provide this kind of service.

Help to Save

A government scheme to encourage help people on low incomes save small amounts of money - paying bonuses after 2 & 4 years that add up to 50p for every £1 saved.

Rural Services Network Survey


February 2023

The Rural Services Network in partnership with the Citizens Advice is running a Rural Cost of Living Household Survey.

We are thrilled with the 3,000 responses we have had so far but we would like more and are hoping you can help!


Ideally, we would like to target hard to reach rural residents, i.e. those without access to the internet or the capacity to engage with services online.

We are hoping you could feature the attached poster prominently in your community to help your local residents complete the survey. Places such as town and village bulletin boards, town and village halls, community shops and local food banks would be great areas to feature this poster.

We have also ensured the survey can be completed multiple times on the same device, so if colleagues are in the community with a digital device, they could help rural residents complete the survey.

As much as we would like to supply paper surveys and input them ourselves resources don’t allow that’s why we would really appreciate your help.


Results from the survey will build on the Rural Cost of Living research we commissioned last year and help us to lobby Government Departments, MPs and other policy makers for a fairer deal for rural communities.

I look forward to your support, any queries please drop me a line and I’ll be happy to help.

The survey will run until 31 March 2023.

Cost of Living Crises


January 2023

At the Poverty Reference Group meeting this week it was reported that the Council is getting very little take-up of the various kinds of support being offered with the cost of living crisis from people living in the rural areas of the county.

Please help us to make sure that everyone knows that there is a free helpline offering support:


Cumbria County Council's Ways to Welfare helpline offers help and emergency support with basics and essentials for people struggling to cope with their current situation. They can also advise on which other financial support you may be entitled to. Call 0800 783 1966 or visitWays to Welfare.

There is also lots of cost of living advice on theCCC website, on:

Heating, health costs, broadband and household grants and more. Find it here:Cost of Living Support - financial support | Cumbria County Council


Please encourage as many people in your area to take part in the survey below to capture the experience of rural communities in the cost of living crisis:


Rural areas are suffering more acutely from the rise in the cost of living compared to urban areas.

The purposeof the survey is to understand more about rural household budgets at, what is, a very difficult time for many.

Results from the survey will help us to engage more effectively with Government Departments, MPs and other policy makers.

The survey can be found at the following link:



January 2023


Westmorland and Furness Council has today (13 January) launched a public consultation on council tax levels. The consultation comes as the council prepares to set its first budget ahead of vesting day on 1 April this year.

Vesting day will see Westmorland and Furness Council replace Cumbria County Council, Eden District Council, South Lakeland District Council and Barrow Borough Council, and take on responsibility for the full range of all local council services.

Details of the consultation and how to respond can be found under the ‘Have Your Say’ section at and people have until 13 February to respond.

Copies of the consultation will also be available in main council offices in Barrow, Kendal and Penrith and local libraries from next week.

The council is asking for feedback on three key proposals:

  • In line with Government assumptions, the council is proposing a 4.99% rise in council tax for 2023/24.This is made up of a 2.99% basic increase plus another 2% specifically to help fund adult social care, known as the Adult Social Care Precept.
  • It is also being proposed that council tax rates should be harmonised across the Westmorland and Furness area. Currently council tax levels vary between district council areas. Harmonisation will set a consistent council tax rate across the whole Westmorland and Furness area.
  • Finally, the council is proposing to introduce a 100% council tax increase on the area’s 5,440 second homes, doubling the council tax they would pay from April 2024.

The proposals are intended to ensure that the new council can continue to provide essential local services and deliver on the ambitious vision and priorities in its recently agreed Council Plan.

Councillor Andrew Jarvis, Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “These proposals have been carefully thought through and are not being made lightly.

“Our projections are that the cost of providing essential services will increase by £20 million in 2023/24. The funding we receive directly from Government won’t cover that, so we have to look to the local flexibility around council tax levels to generate increases in the council’s income.

“The money raised this way will directly pay for essential local services like waste, highways, parks and leisure and social care, as well as allowing us to make progress in the priority areas we have identified in our Council Plan.

“We know that many people are finding it harder financially at the moment. That’s why we are planning a generous council tax reduction scheme for people on low incomes, which includes up to 100% relief for those residents most in need of support. This is at a time when many councils have chosen to limit access or reduce the value of the council tax discount they offer.”

The proposed increase in council tax charges for second homes is in anticipation of new legislation being passed in time for 1 April 2024. There are 5440 second homes in the Westmorland and Furness area, accounting for 4.7% of the housing stock, but in some local areas such as Lakes at 21%, the proportion is far higher.

Commenting on the proposal Cllr Jarvis added: “This is a beautiful part of the country, so we understand why people want to come here. But the huge number of second homes, particularly in some areas, undermines the sustainability of our communities, both by reducing available housing stock and driving up prices for local people, and by making it more expensive and difficult for councils and businesses to provide the essential local services residents expect, especially in winter. It is one of our key council plan priorities to tackle these issues.

“The additional council tax on second homes could generate nearly £10 million of additional income for the area which will help us deliver our priorities, provide assistance to communities most affected and help tackle the affordable housing crisis. We think this makes sense.

“These are all big decisions for our new council to make, but one of our core values is listening to our communities and working with local people on the issues that matter most. That’s why I would encourage everyone share their views on what we are proposing through this consultation.”

People now have four weeks, until 13 February, in which to respond to the consultation.

A consultation feedback report will be considered by Cabinet at their meeting on 24 February, ahead of a final decision on the council’s 2023/24 budget at the Shadow Authority meeting on 7 March.




January 2023


South Lakeland District has earmarked £448,000 of government funding for projects aimed at building pride in place and increasing life chances.

The money from the government's UK Shared Prosperity Fund has to be used for projects which boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards; spread opportunities and improve public services; restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging; and empower local leaders and communities.

The fund replaces the previous EU-funded structural and regional development programmes (European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund) and projects have to fit three main investment criteria – grouped into themes of Communities and Place, Supporting Local Business, and People and Skills.

SLDC has £448,000 allocated for Year 1, which must be used by 31 March 2023.

The approved Year 1 projects which received money from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund are:

  • Inspira – £44,301 for The Key, an established employment programme currently delivered throughout Cumbria. Barrow will also contribute £78,656 and Eden £22,927 so that this scheme can continue to operate across the Westmorland & Furness area;
  • Cumbria Tourism – £92,294 for a marketing and promotional campaign to support South Lakeland's arts, cultural, heritage institutions and assets and the area’s wider cultural offer through the winter of 2022/23, increasing visitor numbers and engagement;
  • Cumbria Action for Sustainability – £92,294 in South Lakeland and £9,171 in Eden to extend and expand the Cold to Cosy, Retrofit Advice Service and Solar Made Easy schemes which help households improve energy efficiency and access solar power;
  • South Lakeland District Council – £95,000 to refurbish SLDC-owned units at 16 New Shambles and 28 Finkle Street to provide affordable modern retail and office premises for lease to businesses.

Funding has also been given for feasibility studies to:

  • Lake District National Park Authority – £45,000 for a feasibility study to assess the design and deliverability of improvements to Windermere railway station as part of the Windermere Gateway scheme;
  • Kendal Futures – £40,000 to review Kendal’s key town centre traffic junctions to create a plan for placemaking proposals which contribute to active travel;
  • Save Grange Lido – £20,000 for feasibility study of renewable energy options, including all mechanical and electrical aspects of the restoration of the lido;
  • Save Grange Lido – £15,000 for a feasibility study on pool design.

South Lakeland's total allocation for the three-year deal up to April 2025 is £3.8m. There has been collaboration between the three districts on preparing their Year 1 investment plans, as well as consent from the shadow Westmorland & Furness authority, and after the vesting day of Westmorland & Furness Council on 1 April 2023 the allocations for SLDC, Eden District Council and Barrow Borough Council for years two and three will align into a single plan.

A Local Partnership Group for the three areas made up of local stakeholders was established to oversee the development of the Investment Plan and provide advice on the strategic fit and deliverability of projects during the selection process.

Councillor Robin Ashcroft, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Culture and Leisure, said: "South Lakeland District Council has been working with stakeholders to develop our local investment plan which will ensure our allocation is used in the most effective and efficient way to support the government's investment priorities.

"This investment plan for Year 1 funding will bring enormous benefits to residents, while the close collaboration with Barrow and Eden councils will ensure a solid foundation for the collective funding being used in the best possible way by the new Westmorland and Furness Council.

Flood Advisory Service


January 2023

The Met Office have issued a YELLOW warning for rain – with a medium likelihood of low impacts. Most rain will be over South Cumbria with 60-80mm in places - affecting rivers and surface water levels. The rainfall will start around 6am Tuesday morning then easing in the afternoon - and finishing around 9pm. Each following day will see showers and periods of rain.

The Environment Agency predict several Flood Alerts across South Lakeland - Flood Warnings are unlikely however there is a possibility that some rapidly responding catchments may reach that level.

No further teleconferences are planned at this stage however please note that monitoring is in place.

Further Information

  • Youcan see the latest Environment Agency ‘Flood Alerts’ and ‘Flood Warnings’ and what they mean on website
  • Met Office Weather Warnings can be seen on website
  • Police traffic map -
  • Track pockets of heavy rain using the Met Office’s Rainfall Radar Map. By monitoring this map you can see the path that the rainfall is taking across the country – and so make a reasonable prediction of where it might fall next.

Sustainable Warmth Cumbria Grants


January 2023

Sustainable Warmth Cumbria Grants

The scheme offers a wide range of free energy efficiency improvements including:

• Solid wall and cavity wall insulation, including insulation for rooms in roofs.

• Loft, Under Floor, Internal and External Insulation

• Air source heat pumps

• High heat retention electric storage heaters

• First time double glazing (replacement double glazing is not available)

• Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Panels

However, to make sure your home gets what it needs your Local Council has commission trained assessors to carry out a free survey of your home to let you know how we can help you.

To be eligible you’ll need to:

• Live in your property and either own your own home or, if you are a

private tenant, we can work with you and your landlord to make the

application and;

• Have a combined household income of less than £30,000 (gross) year

OR someone in your home receives a means tested benefit and

• Have an EPC rating of E, F, or G. If you don’t have an EPC, then we will arrange this for you if we think that your property is energy inefficient.

Find out more information about the scheme and to check your eligibility please visit or contact your local council for further details.

Funding is limited and time-dependant so apply today!

Cost of Living Crisis Information Update from Cumbria Poverty Reference Group


December 2022

JRF Talking about Poverty Webinar, 25 January 2023

Scroll to end of email for details - it's free to sign up.

They are a really useful way to gain a better understanding of how to talk about poverty in ways that makes people listen, and take action......

Infant Formula - Emergency Supplies

Infant formula milk is a big cost for families with babies under a year old, and people will clearly be struggling with this as the cost of living rises. The public health team have set up a system to provide short term, emergency supplies where families have less than 48 hours supply of formula milk and aren't in a position to buy more.

This will be provided via people who are trained in infant feeding - Midwives, Health Visitors, and the Children and Families Support Service (children's centres)

There's a public leaflet attached with lots of information on how to safely formula feed you baby (there's a risk that people will feel they need to reduce the amount of formula they use, or consider making formula up with cold water - it needs to be made with boiled water (and then allowed to cool) to kill off any bacteria that may be in the powder), how to keep your baby warm and safe, and how to access emergency formula if necessary.

There's also a leaflet for referral organisations attached - any questions about the process, please contact

Household Leaflet

The Cost of Living Support leaflet should be arriving through your letterbox this week - A copy is attached in case you want to be able to print it off, etc.

There's more info on the Cumbria County Council website - and the information of Food Support has now been updated by the Area Teams and others to include a much wider range of food projects (beyond the formal food banks): Cost of Living Support | Cumbria County Council

Cold Weather Payment

Cumbria got pretty cold last week (I suspect you noticed!) which has triggered the Cold Weather Payment scheme: Cold Weather Payment: Overview - GOV.UK ( - £25 to cover the whole period.

This is paid automatically to people who people on eligible benefits (e.g. Disability Living Allowance, Pension Credit) - so the main message here is for people to check they're signed up for the benefits they're eligible for. This is a particular issue with Pension Credit - people may not realise that they've become eligible when their spouse died, or may not think it's worth claiming as they'd only receive a tiny amount each week (but claiming Pension Credit opens up access to additional payment like this, free TV licences for over 75s, etc)

How to Survive the Winter

This report is attached - it's got some case studies in it that might give you some ideas for new projects.....

It's also well worth a look at the infographic on the cover, which shows where foodbanks were located 2008 vs where they're located now - a huge increase in numbers, and as you know, the formal Trussell Trust Foodbanks are only the tip of the iceberg.

Police Budget Proposals


December 2022

Good afternoon

Sent on behalf of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner:

We are asking our partners and key stakeholders to share the below information on ‘Commissioner asks the public their view on budget proposals’

For full details of the press release- Commissioner asks the public their view on budget proposals - Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner (

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Peter McCall is responsible for setting the policing element of council tax each year, andon Friday opened the council tax precept consultation, asking for public feedback on a choice of budget proposals for Cumbria Constabulary 2023-2024.

Link to the survey can be found here:Council Tax Consultation 2023-2024 (

The survey will close at 5pmon 20 January2023 and paper copies of this survey can be obtained by ringing 01768 217734 or

Ambulance Strike


December 2022

You'll probably have seen in the news that there is an ambulance strike planned for tomorrow (from midnight to midnight).


There'll be a significantly reduced number of ambulances on the road in Cumbria - this means that it is likely that only Category 1 calls will be responded to, potentially along with some Category 2 calls (particularly where these are in a public place or without shelter, rather than at home).

Category 1 calls are those that are immediately life-threatening - someone who's not breathing

Category 2 calls are also serious and would normally be considered to need urgent assessment - for example, chest pain, or stroke symptoms

There's more explanation of what medical conditions tend to come under each category in the introduction to this article:

As you can imagine, that means there'll be many 999 calls that would usually get a Category 2/3/4 ambulance response but are unlikely to do so during the strike period (for example, many trips and falls) - and even after the strike has finished, it's likely to take several days for the service to get back to normal.

Things you can do.....

  • Share the public advice from North West Ambulance Service: (and there'll be similar going out on social media that you can share) - this includes:
    • Only call 999 for life threatening emergencies
    • Use, visit a pharmacy, for advice on less urgent conditions
    • Try and arrange your own transport if you need to visit A&E for a condition that isn't life threatening.
  • Be aware that friends, neighbours and relatives might need support during this period (and be aware that there will be knock on effects on other health and care services, such as an increased demand on social care services)

This is likely to be a challenging few days for many people (including those who work in health and care services), and any support you're able to give (helping locally, or simply sharing information) will be much appreciated.

Cost of Living Crisis, LGHR and Coronavirus.


November 2022

Launch of Warm Spots

Warm Spots is a joint project, led by Cumbria County Council, ACTion with Communities in Cumbria, Churches Together in Cumbria, Cumbria Community Foundation and Cumbria CVS. It encourages and supports local organisations to open their doors to people in need of warmth and help, as the cost-of-living crisis and high fuel costs continue to put many people under real strain.

To help people find the Warm Spot nearest them a new website has been launched - site provides an easy way to find out which Warm Spots are open and what they offer.

As a minimum, a Warm Spot will offer a warm space, a warm welcome, someone on hand to talk to if you wish, and a hot drink (free or at cost). But many are offering a much wider range of facilities, activities and support.

Warm Home Discount scheme

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has announced the reopening of the Warm Home Discount scheme which will provide a discount of £150 off electricity bills for three million low-income households this winter. Most households will receive the discount automatically.

The government has launched a new online tool, to make it easier for the public to check if they are eligible for the discount. The online tool will guide customers through the eligibility criteria in England and Wales, asking questions about electricity supply, the benefits they receive and characteristics of their property.

All customers will receive a letter between this month (November) and mid-January 2023 confirming their eligibility and the payment will be made automatically through energy suppliers by March 2023.

The government is also writing to customers who may be eligible, advising them to use the tool linked below to check eligibility, as well as to use the helpline for particularly complex cases.

Second cost-of-living payment

The government has announced that households receiving benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will receive the second part of the £650 cost-of-living payment.

The second payment of £324 will automatically be paid into the bank accounts of most of those eligible in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who receive a qualifying DWP benefit. This means those eligible will not need to do anything to receive the money.

Eligible customers who receive tax credits and no other eligible benefits from DWP will receive their payment from HM Revenue and Customs between 23 and 30 November.

Money Navigator Tool - reminder

A reminder that those in financial difficulty can access money and debt guidance for free. Money Helper UK provides guidance based upon individual circumstances and help find support in their area.

LGA’s cost-of-living support hub and bulletin - reminder

The Local Government Association (LGA) has created a cost-of-living support hub to help councils continue to support residents and a new monthly cost-of-living bulletin, both of which highlight the latest news from the government. This includes examples of good practice, latest reports and data and upcoming events.

Carlisle City Council has drawn together some Cost of Living information that provides links to government and partners’ support. The information is available at

Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) – Delivering two new councils for Cumbria

All up-to-date information can be found at the New Councils for Cumbria website here – Home (


Winter Ready campaign

Winter Ready 2022 seeks to ensure people have the right information, advice and guidance at their fingertips. It has been developed, and is supported by a wide range of partners, including Cumbria County Council, Cumbria’s six district councils, NHS, Cumbria Community Foundation and the Environment Agency.

This year’s campaign will reflect the winter travel and weather preparations, and up to date public health information and guidance, including information about covid and flu boosters.

A wide range of information about winter-related items is available on the county council’s website.

The campaign provides advice and assistance on everything you need to know to help you be prepared and to get winter ready, including:

  • The latest information, guidance and support available to people regarding Coronavirus.
  • Emergency planning - advice on how to protect your home from flooding and find out if you are at risk.
  • Winter travel - how to stay safe, keep up to date with road and weather information and make sure your vehicle is ready for winter.
  • General health advice - staying well this winter.

The R value and growth rate

The UK Health Security Agency has published the latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of COVID-19.

The current R range for England is between 0.7 to 0.9, which means that, on average, every 10 people infected will infect between 7 and 9 other people. The latest growth rate between -5% and -3% meaning that the number of new infections is growing by between 5% and 3% every day.

These estimates represent the transmission of COVID-19 two to three weeks ago due to the time delay between someone being infected, developing symptoms, and needing healthcare.

National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports published

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published the latest national influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring COVID-19 activity, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses.

Surveillance indicators suggest that, at a national level, COVID-19 activity has decreased in most indicators in week 44 of 2022. The main findings include:

  • The number of acute respiratory infection incidents (suspected outbreaks) increased to 140 in week 44, compared to 182 in the previous week.
  • The hospital admission rate was 5.41 per 100,000 population, in the previous week it was 7.71 per 100,000 population.
  • Hospital admission rates for COVID-19 were highest in the North East, with a rate of 7.38 per 100,000 population.

Hospitalisation rates for flu are stable overall but are now slightly exceeding the baseline threshold for the first time this season. There is some week-to-week variability: the over 75s and under 5s remain the highest but have dropped, while rates in the 15 to 44-year-olds have increased.

The UKHSA is reminding the public to keep up the actions that are helping to reduce the spread of viruses - meeting in well-ventilated spaces, washing hands regularly and staying away from others where possible if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness.

An update on current Cost of Living Crisis Information:


November 2022

An update on current Cost of Living Crisis Information:

Warm Spots

The Warm Spots map and website went live at the start of last week.

We're now getting close to 200 Warm Spots registered.

New Warm Spots can still register via SurveyMonkey:

The interactive map is here:

Funding via Cumbria Community Foundation is here:

And perhaps most importantly, the webpage that brings all of that information together in one place is here: -You can also download the Warm Spots Toolkit from this link.

Any changes to Warm Spot opening times (or any other details that need tweaking) should be emailed

Transport to Warm Spots

We know some Warm Spots, particularly in rural areas, are thinking about how they can get people from their homes to Warm Spots, particularly as the winter weather closes in.

This might well happen informally in some areas, but if a community's thinking of setting up a more formal community transport approach, this fact sheet from ACTion with Communities in Cumbria might be useful:

It'll help groups to track down what options might already be available (such as the Cumbria County Council Voluntary Car Schemes: )

and think about the options for filling any gaps.

Financial Support Schemes

Attached is the information from Simon Blyth at South Lakeland District Council around some of the financial support available.

Discounted "off peak" energy schemes that have been advertised in the press:

Unfortunately, it looks as though only Octopus' scheme is live so far, and all the schemes are only likely to be available to those on Smart Meters - so they may not be very accessible to those most in need of the support.

Forward Planning

There are some household and community emergency planning resources on ACT's website - scroll down towards the bottom of this page to find the resources:

And there's general information on all the Winter Ready messages (weather, health and finances) on the Cumbria County Council website:



October 2022


South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is urging householders to do the right thing with their rubbish by avoiding unlicensed waste carriers.

The council is reminding residents they could receive a criminal record and be fined up to £400 if waste arising from work on their home or garden is dumped illegally, even though someone else has done it.

The warning follows two recent incidents where large quantities of garden waste were fly-tipped in rural parts of South Lakeland, including more than two tonnes of conifer chippings at Birkrigg Common, a beauty spot near Ulverston.

Residents are being urged to protect themselves by checking that anyone working on their home or garden and disposing of the rubbish afterwards has a waste carriers’ licence from the Environment Agency.

Councillor Eamonn Hennessy, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Locality Services,said: “Many householders may simply not realise they have a duty of care to ensure that waste resulting from work on their property is disposed of legally – this could be anything from tree and hedge clippings to builders’ rubble, old kitchen cabinets, sinks, fridges, ovens and bathroom fittings.

“Most of us would be appalled to think we had unknowingly hired an unlicensed waste carrier who had fly-tipped our rubbish on a road or in the countryside. But sadly this is what can happen when rogue traders seek to avoid paying disposal costs. These can include “man and van”-type businesses who offer to take people’s rubbish away for cash, and then abandon it.”

Cllr Hennessy added: “Using an unlicensed waste carrier can prove extremely costly and nobody wants to end up with a £400 fine or a criminal record, just for lack of asking a few simple questions.

“What’s more, fly-tipping can be downright dangerous to road users as well as blighting our beautiful countryside with potentially toxic or hazardous substances.

“Ultimately this is not a victimless crime because the cost of investigating and clearing up fly-tipping on public land is borne by the Council Tax payer across our district.”

The Environment Agency has this advice for householders to protect themselves:

  1. Ask where the rubbish will end up – a genuine trader will not mind this question.
  2. Don’t pay cash – insist on a receipt.
  3. Record the details of the vehicle used to take the rubbish away.
  4. Check the trader’s credentials by calling the Environment Agency directly on 03708 506 506 for a free instant waste carrier check or go online at:

Meanwhile, SLDC’s Locality Team is continuing to investigate two incidents where large quantities of garden waste were fly-tipped in South Lakeland. The most recent took place at Barrow Banks, on the old A590 road near Staveley-in-Cartmel. Locality Officers said the material looked like a garden clearance carried out in the past week with a mix of sycamore saplings, ivy, conifer, sedum and other green waste.

The previous incident at Birkrigg Common involved more than two tonnes of conifer chippings, a small red apple tree and some plastic bags.

If you have any information which could help identify the offender, please contact SLDC’s Locality Team by email at

Fly-tipping is illegal under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the maximum penalty (in the Crown Court) is five years in prison or an unlimited fine.


  1. More than two tonnes of conifer chippings were fly-tipped at Birkrigg Common.
  2. Garden waste dumped at Barrow Banks, near Staveley-in-Cartmel.


Cost of living Support Hub


October 2022

The Local Government Association (LGA) has recently launched a cost-of-living support hub to help councils continue to support residents and anew monthly cost-of-living bulletin, both of which highlight the latest news from the government.

The hub has been designed to share best practice and help councils to support their residents with the rise in the cost of living. Case studies and resources can be found for each topic area.



October 2022


News release (with pictures)

29 September 2022


Residents who would like to keep up to date with progress on the review of the South Lakeland Local Plan can do so by signing up for regular updates.

An important role in updating the Local Plan, which relates to the district outside the National Parks, is to ensure South Lakeland’s residents and businesses have sufficient land allocated for new homes and jobs between now and 2040.

Anybody who wants to receive regular updates about the South Lakeland Local Plan Review can sign up to the mailing list by emailing:

The most recent newsletter includes the opportunity, through an online survey, for people of all ages to give their views on 40 sites suggested by landowners and developers during the 2021 Call for Sites, as part of the South Lakeland Local Plan Review.

At this early stage, none of these locations has been formally proposed by the council or allocated for development. Although the list may seem long, most of the sites will ultimately not be needed.

Residents, businesses and organisations are therefore invited to have their say on these sites while the Local Plan Review is still in its early stages by completing the online survey by the closing date of 10 November 2022. If residents do not have access to the internet, they can browse the documents in person at Kendal Town Hall or at libraries in Kendal, Ulverston, Grange-over-Sands, Kirkby Lonsdale, Milnthorpe or Arnside, and submit a paper response.

Importantly, there will also be a further opportunity to comment on the council’s high-level technical study of all of the suggested sites in both the 2021 Call for Sites and the earlier 2020 Call for Sites. The findings of this study – the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) study - will be published later and further comments invited.

Councillor Helen Chaffey, Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Local Plan, said: “We hope people of all ages will want to help us plan for the future of South Lakeland by taking this early opportunity to tell us what they think of the suggested sites.

“The South Lakeland Local Plan is vitally important for making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore. We are reviewing the Local Plan to ensure that our children and grandchildren can thrive and have the homes and jobs they need between now and 2040, as well as making sure we have enough extra-care provision to enable older people to stay living locally in their communities - while protecting the district’s special landscape, historic character and rich biodiversity.

“A key part of this ambition is making sure that sufficient land is allocated for development in the district, outside the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks, which have their own Local Plans.

“Rest reassured that nothing is set in stone yet and we are still in the early stages of this work. None of these 40 suggested sites – or the 122 sites put forward in the first Call for Sites in 2020 – have been proposed or allocated for development. Everything is still up for discussion so it’s the ideal time to share your thoughts.

“The list of sites may seem long but it’s likely that many of them will not be needed. A number of them, including several in south-west Kendal, were also put forward in 2020. If you’ve already commented on these during last summer’s Issues and Options consultation, there’s no need to do so again, unless you would like to make further comments.”

Here is how to have your say by 10 November 2022:

  • Browse the documents in person and complete a paper form at Kendal Town Hall or Kendal, Ulverston, Grange-over-Sands, Kirkby Lonsdale, Milnthorpe or Arnside libraries.

The newsletter also provides an update on other work under way on the Local Plan Review. These include an important study to assess the level of need for new homes and employment between now and 2040. Another study is updating our record of services and facilities in South Lakeland’s towns and villages to help inform where new development may best be located in future.

The council is also working closely with Barrow and Eden Councils and Cumbria County Council to make sure that our plans are aligned as we approach April 2023, at which point the new Westmorland and Furness Council will assume responsibility for Local Plan preparation across the new authority.


1. The South Lakeland Local Plan logo

2. Councillor Helen Chaffey, SLDC Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Local Plan




October 2022

On Thursday 6 October members of the public will have the opportunity to join Westmorland and Furness Council Leader Councillor Jonathan Brook and Chief Executive Designate Sam Plum to hear more about the authority's first Council Plan.

They are inviting members of the public to have their say and ask questions about future operations of the council and its aspirations for the area.

The session will take place online via Microsoft Teams between 6pm and 7pm and can be joined on the below link.

Join the Microsoft Teams live event – W&F Council (6 October)

Councillor Brook says: “Westmorland and Furness is a new council which brings great opportunity.

“It is an opportunity to bring together the best of Barrow, Cumbria, Eden and South Lakeland to transform Westmorland and Furness for the better - from Walney to Alston and from the Duddon to the Tyne.

“It is an opportunity to transform how services are delivered, to build a new vision and work together to deliver it.

“It is an opportunity to do big things. Our communities have the vision, the people, the skills and the capacity to grasp the opportunity of local government re-organisation and build a bright future for Westmorland and Furness. This is the beginning of the journey”.

A copy of the draft Council Plan can be found on the Westmorland and Furness Council

Westmorland and Furness Council will act in ‘shadow’ form for the next six months, as its councillors engage in the planning and preparation for Vesting Day on 1 April 2023, including agreeing the new Council Plan.

1 April 2023 is the point where Westmorland and Furness Council and its councillors will officially take over responsibility for all services across the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas and the existing Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District councils, along with Cumbria County Council, will be dissolved.

Until April 2023 all current services will continue to be delivered by the existing councils, overseen by the councillors on those councils.

In the meantime, councillors on the Shadow Authority for Westmorland and Furness Council will be working with the Local Government Reorganisation programme planning for the new council to ‘go live’ in 2023.




September 2022


News release

21 September 2022


South Lakeland District has launched a Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme which will award a one-off payment of £150 to help households in bands E to H properties who were not eligible to receive the mandatory £150 energy rebate.

Residents are eligible if they fell within one of the following categories on 1 April 2022:

  • Households in Council Tax bands E to H where the liable person was in receipt of at least one of the following income-related benefits:
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income Based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
  • Pension Credit – Guaranteed or Savings elements
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Council Tax reduction
  • Occupiers of houses in multiple occupation in bands A to H on 1st April 2022 who pay the energy bills and who were in receipt of one of the income related benefits listed above but where the landlord is liable to pay the Council Tax
  • Households in properties in bands F to H with a disabled band reduction
  • Households that receive a care leaver reduction
  • Exempt properties where all of the occupiers are severely mentally impaired, all occupiers are students, all occupiers are under 18 and occupied annexes.

The district has been allocated £191,250 for the scheme and as funds are limited, it has been targeted at certain households.

Councillor Suzie Pye, South Lakeland District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, said: "The need for support is becoming ever more acute and SLDC is committed to making sure that as many households as possible benefit from this new discretionary fund.

"If you receive a letter inviting you to provide your bank details, or if you don't receive a letter but believe you are eligible, please apply. The process is totally secure and designed to get payments out as soon as possible."

As with the main energy rebate scheme, the property must have been occupied and someone’s sole or main residence on 1 April 2022.

The application window runs until 13 October 2022.

Eligible households are being identified now where they currently pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit. Payments in these cases will be made automatically.

Eligible households which do not pay by Direct Debit will receive a letter inviting them to provide their bank details through a secure application form on the SLDC website.

If you meet the eligibility criteria above and have not been paid or written to, you can still make an application through the form on the SLDC website.

Payments will be made to those who provide their bank details or apply during the application window once the scheme closes.

The aim is to have the majority of payments processed by 31 October 2022. All discretionary rebates must be paid by 30 November 2022.

Please visit for full details of the scheme and the links to apply.


Eligible households which have not yet provided their bank details to receive the non-discretionary Council Tax Energy Rebate for homes in Council Tax bands A to D are being urged to do so before the closing date of 30 September 2022.

Anybody who has not responded by 23 September will have their Council Tax accounts credited with £150.

Please note SLDC will not call taxpayers to ask for bank details for the rebate payments and any communication will come in a letter.

For full details on the scheme and a link to the secure form to give us your bank details, please visit


Covid Boosters


September 2022

NHS’ National Booking Service opens for autumn COVID-19 boosters

From the 7th September, around four million people most vulnerable to COVID-19 will start to be invited to book in their COVID-19 booster vaccine as theNHS’ National Booking Service launches appointments for autumn boosters.

The National Booking Service went live this morning with frontline health and care workers, immunosuppressed people, and people aged over 75, able to book in for the first ever variant-targeted vaccine on the NHS.

The move which will see those eligible able to book appointments from 12 September, comes after the launch of autumn COVID-19 boosters in care homes.

3,100 sites are expected to be part of the rollout, including GP practices and community pharmacies, with new sites joining the programme. 80 hospital hubs will also join the latest campaign - delivering the latest COVID-19 vaccine to members of the public as well as their own staff, and administering the flu vaccine where possible.

St. John’s Church on London Road, Carlisle, CA1 2HA, will be an NHS Covid and Flu vaccination centre on Saturday 17th September from 9am – 5pm. Please check online for further details and availability, and you can book online via the NHS Booking Service (link above) or call the site on: 07897 237828

Access to community-based treatments for COVID-19

The Department of Health and Social Care has publishedguidance on how to access COVID-19 treatments outside of hospital, including information on free prescriptions and lateral flow tests.

There are currently two ways for non-hospitalised patients to access treatments for COVID-19. The first is through the PANORAMIC national study, run by the University of Oxford, and the second is through targeted deployment of highest-risk patients.

The highest-risk cohort of patients are identified by a set of patient conditions that mean they would be at a higher risk of progression to severe disease, hospital admission or death due to COVID-19.

The R value and growth rate

The UK Health Security Agency has published the latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of COVID-19.

The current R range for England is between 0.8 to 1.0, which means that, on average, every 10 people infected will infect between 8 and 10 other people. The latest growth rate between -4% and -2% meaning that the number of new infections is shrinking by between 2% and 4% every day.

These estimates represent the transmission of COVID-19 2 to 3 weeks ago due to the time delay between someone being infected, developing symptoms, and needing healthcare.

National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports published

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published thelatest national influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring COVID-19 activity,seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses.

Thelatest evidence shows that vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation is similar for the BA.4/5 variants as it is for BA.2.

Parish Cllr Vacancies


September 2022



September 2022


News release

13 September 2022


Following the announcement of a bank holiday on Monday 19 September 2022 for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral, there will be some changes to South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) services on that day.

The council’s offices in Kendal will be closed and bin/recycling rounds will be carried out a day later than usual all week.

For residents whose scheduled collection day is Friday 23 September, council crews will be working on Saturday 24 September. Colleagues will do their very best to complete everyone’s rounds although there may be some disruption to the collection of green waste due to limited staff availability. The council apologises in advance for any inconvenience. Crews will return to catch up on the next scheduled calendar day in two weeks’ time.

SLDC Deputy Leader Councillor Andrew Jarvis said: “People across South Lakeland and beyond will come together to pay their respects to Her Majesty The Queen on Monday 19 September, the day of the State Funeral and the final day of the period of National Mourning.

“It’s appropriate that most council services should pause for the day, but I would like to thank all those council colleagues who will be working on the bank holiday to help keep essential services running, such as the dedicated team of support workers at our Town View Fields Hostel in Kendal.”

Cllr Jarvis added: “Flags will continue to be flown at half-mast on public buildings in South Lakeland until 8am on the day after Her Majesty’s funeral, and books of condolence will also close on that day.

“Thank you to everyone who attended Sunday’s Proclamation of King Charles III at Kendal Town Hall and to all who have paid tribute to our wonderful Queen during these momentous past few days. Her Majesty’s visits to South Lakeland will be remembered with great affection for generations to come.”

To find out more about arrangements for the period of National Mourning in South Lakeland, such as laying flowers and signing books of condolence, please visit:

Condolences can also be sent online at:



September 2022

News release

9 September 2022


Further details have been confirmed around arrangements in South Lakeland following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

A number of flags located around South Lakeland will be flown at half-mast until 8am on the day following the State Funeral, except while the proclamation of the new King is made (* see flag flying protocol details).

The official proclamation will be made at St James’s Palace tomorrow (Saturday), then at the Royal Exchange in the City of London.

On Sunday the proclamation will be made in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast before being cascaded to county, city, district and parish level.

The county proclamation will take place in Carlisle. This will be followed bydistrict proclamations in Barrow, Carlisle, Kendal, Penrith, Whitehaven and Workington.

The South Lakeland proclamation will take place at 12.30pm on Sunday, 11 September 2022, outside Kendal Town Hall.

Books of Condolence have been opened at locations around South Lakeland. They will remain open until the day after the state funeral.

You are welcome to visit any of these locations in South Lakeland to leave you condolences:

  • Kendal Library, Stricklandgate, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4PY
  • Ulverston Coronation Hall, County Road, Ulverston LA12 7LZ
  • Kirkby Lonsdale Village Institute (Lunesdale Hall), Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth LA6 2BG
  • Windermere Library, Windermere LA23 2AJ

Condolence books are also situated around Cumbria in key community buildings. The full list of locations is available via the Cumbria County Council website.

Condolences can also be left online on the Buckingham Palace e-Book, which can be found on the Buckingham Palace website.

The laying of flowers in South Lakeland is suggested to take place at the following locations:

  • Queens Park in Windermere
  • Ford Park and Lightburn Park in Ulverston
  • Rothay Park in Ambleside
  • The Glebe in Bowness
  • Kendal Parish Church – on grass to the right of path from Kirkland

It is preferred that no cellophane wrappers be left with the flowers, if possible.




September 2022


News release

8 September 2022


South Lakeland has been paying tribute to the most remarkable Queen that our country has ever known, following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

A number of flags located around South Lakeland will be flown at half-mast until 8am on the day following the State Funeral, except while the proclamation of the new King is made.

Condolence books will also be situated around Cumbria in key community buildings. The list of locations will be available shortly via the Cumbria County Council website.

Condolence can also be left online on the Buckingham Palace e-Book, which can be found on the Buckingham Palace website.

The official proclamation will be made at St James’s Palace tomorrow, then at the Royal Exchange in the City of London.

The following day the proclamation will be made in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast before being cascaded to county, city, district and parish level.

In Cumbria, the County proclamation will be held in Carlisle, followed by district proclamations in Barrow, Carlisle, Kendal, Penrith, Whitehaven and Workington.

A proclamation will be made in South Lakeland outside Kendal Town Hall.

Details of exact timings will be confirmed shortly and residents and any visitors to South Lakeland are advised to visit the South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) or Cumbria County Council websites for more details.

The laying of flowers in South Lakeland is suggested to take place at:

* Queens Park in Windermere

* Ford Park and Lightburn Park in Ulverston

* Rothay Park in Ambleside

* The Glebe in Bowness

* Kendal Parish Church – on grass to the right of path from Kirkland

* Kendal Abbott Hall

It is preferred that no cellophane wrappers be left with the flowers, if possible. Further details regarding the laying of flowers can be found on the Cumbria County Council website.

Councillor Jonathan Brook, Leader of South Lakeland District Council, led the South Lakeland tributes.

He said: “South Lakeland joins the rest of the country, and the world, in remembering a Queen who has been an inspirational figurehead for so many years. Our sympathy goes out to her family for their personal loss.

“Her Majesty the Queen will always have a very special place in the hearts and minds of the people of South Lakeland.

“She was a frequent visitor to Cumbria and it was always our great pleasure to welcome her whenever she came to South Lakeland.

“As well as being our longest reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth has always shown great leadership and courage and always displayed a set of values that we could all aspire to.

“She was kind, considerate, caring and constant to her own principles in life. She put our country and the needs of its people above all else and as such was rewarded with unswerving loyalty and commitment from those who knew her, those who supported her and even those who were not supporters of the monarchy as even they could not fail to respect her.

“We are fortunate that her successor, Prince Charles has long been a supporter of our county and we know our area has a special place in his heart. We hope that as our new Monarch, this special relationship will continue to develop and grow.’’

Councillor Matthew Severn, Vice Chairman of South Lakeland District Council, added his tribute: “This is indeed a sad day and a day of national, and international mourning.

“Her Majesty the Queen was an inspiration to so many and her tenure has been truly incredible with her reign being recognised as the longest and greatest that this country has ever seen.

“I want to pass on my sympathy, and the sympathy of the district of South Lakeland, to the Royal family who we must also think of at this time of great personal loss. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth will be sadly missed and will be recorded as one of the most remarkable monarchs that this country has ever seen.”


Autumn COVID-19 booster and flu vaccine programme and resources


September 2022

Autumn COVID-19 booster and flu vaccine programme and resources

The government has accepted final Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advice setting out which priority groups should be offered a COVID-19 booster vaccine this autumn. These groups include residents and staff in care homes for older adults and other frontline health and social care workers.

NHS England (NHSE) has recently issued a letter with details about the roll-out of the COVID-19 booster and flu campaigns. The flu programme begins on 1 September and visits to care homes, which will be primarily COVID-19 focused, from 5 September. The COVID-19 autumn booster campaign formally begins on 12 September.

To support care providers with autumn vaccinations campaigns, NHSE has produced a host of materials and resources available from the Campaign Resource Centre. Printed materials can be pre-ordered until 31 August.

Nuvaxovid, the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Novavax, has been granted an extension to its existing UK approval, for 12- to 17-year-olds. This extension has been authorised by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Using the NHS COVID Pass to demonstrate COVID-19 status

The UK Health Security Agency has updated the guidance on how to use the NHS COVID Pass to demonstrate your COVID-19 status when travelling abroad to reflect that from 21 July, children aged five to 11 in England and the Isle of Man can get a digital NHS COVID Pass for international travel.

The R value and growth rate

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published the latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of COVID-19.

The current R range for England is between 0.79 to 0.9, which means that, on average, every 10 people infected will infect between 7 and 9 other people. The latest growth rate between -5% and -2% meaning that the number of new infections is shrinking by between 2% and 5% every day.

These estimates represent the transmission of COVID-19 2 to 3 weeks ago due to the time delay between someone being infected, developing symptoms, and needing healthcare.

On 18 August, the UKHSA published the latest national influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring COVID-19 activity, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses.

National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports published

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published the latest national influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring COVID-19 activity, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses.

Surveillance indicators suggest that, at a national level, COVID-19 activity has decreased in several indicators in week thirty-three of 2022. The main findings include:

  • The number of acute respiratory infection incidents (suspected outbreaks) decreased to 124 in week 33, compared to 172 in the previous week
  • Positivity for laboratory confirmed cases for week 33 was 4.7 per 100,000 population, a decrease from 5.9 in the previous week
  • The hospital admission rate was 7.35 per 100,000 population, in the previous week it was 8.90 per 100,000 population
  • Hospital admission rates for COVID-19 were highest in the North East, with a rate of 9.67 per 100,000 population.

The UKHSA is reminding the public to keep up the actions that are helping to reduce the spread of the virus - meeting in well-ventilated spaces, washing hands regularly and staying away from others where possible if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness.

Cost of Living Crisis- Disability Cost of Living Payment


August 2022

Cost of Living Crisis- Disability Cost of Living Payment**

From 20th September, 6 million people who are paid certain disability benefits will receive an automatic one-off £150 payment. The payment will help disabled people with the rising Cost of Living acknowledging the higher disability-related costs they often face, such as care and mobility needs.

This is in addition to the £650 Cost of Living Payment for disabled people who also receive means tested benefits.

Click here for more details



August 2022

26 August 2022


Eligible households which have not yet provided their bank details to receive the Council Tax Energy Rebate are being urged to do so before the closing date.

You are eligible for this rebate if your home is in Council Tax band A to D and you were the liable person for council tax on 1 April 2022.

South Lakeland District Council paid the rebate directly to people who pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit, and launched a process whereby people who didn't pay by DD could securely provide their bank details and be paid.

SLDC has now paid energy rebates worth more than £4.5m to 30,245 households – more than 80 per cent of those eligible – and is continuing to work through the remaining eligible households, writing to ask for bank details and undertaking checks where necessary before the final deadline of 30 September 2022.

Anybody who has not responded by 23 September will have their Council Tax accounts credited with £150.

Please note SLDC will not call taxpayers to ask for bank details for the rebate payments and any communication will come in a letter.

For full details on the scheme and a link to the secure form to give us your bank details, please visit

Councillor Suzie Pye, South Lakeland District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, said: "The cost of living crisis is affecting us all. The Council Tax energy rebate is one of the measures designed to ease the burden and I urge anybody eligible who has not done so already to take the simple step needed to receive the funds.

"All payments must be made by 30 September 2022 so there is still time to provide your bank details if you’ve had a letter from us but haven’t done so."

If you do not have a bank account, the rebate can be directly paid into your Council Tax account and you can indicate this on the online form.

Please note the £150 rebate will not need to be repaid unless it has been paid in error or it comes to light that a household was not eligible for the payment due to a change in circumstances.

Suggestions for financial hardship help, advice and support can be found on the SLDC website at



August 2022


Firms in South Lakeland which missed out on a recent pandemic business rates relief scheme are being given another bite of the cherry.

South Lakeland District Council has £2,109,829 to distribute through the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) to businesses affected by Covid but ineligible for previous support schemes and not able to adapt – such as in the manufacturing, food distribution, wholesale or supply chain sectors.

Applications closed on Sunday 14 August but the scheme has now been extended until September 4.

Councillor Robin Ashcroft, SLDC portfolio holder for Economy, Culture and Leisure, said: "We have had a good response to the South Lakeland Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund but there are eligible businesses who have not applied.

"For this reason, I would urge anybody operating a business which they think fits the criteria for support through this scheme to check on our website and apply."

Businesses can apply online and details about eligibility and a link to the application form can be found at:

Government guidance states that reductions should be made under the CARF scheme to assist those ratepayers who have been adversely affected by the pandemic and who were unable to adequately adapt to that impact.

The CARF scheme will be open to all ratepayers who meet the following criteria:

  • Not eligible (or would be eligible) for the Expanded Retail Discount (covering Retail, Hospitality, and Leisure), the Nursery Discount or the Airport and Ground Operations Support Scheme (AGOSS);
  • Not a council (including parish and county councils);
  • Not entitled to either Small Business Rate Relief or Rural Rate Relief granted at 100 per cent;
  • Not entitled to mandatory relief (80 per cent) and discretionary (top up) of 20 per cent which is funded through business rates retention:
  • The hereditament is treated as occupied by the council:
  • The ratepayer confirms that they have been adversely affected by the pandemic and have been unable to adequately adapt to that impact;
  • The ratepayer is not subject to subsidy control.

SLDC cannot award relief to:

  • Businesses in receipt of, or eligible for, the Expanded Retail Discount and the Nursery Discount, for example: shops, restaurants, cafes, pubs, hotels, self-catering accommodation;
  • Businesses that do not have a charge to pay in the 2021/2022 financial year due to the receipt of other reliefs;
  • Businesses that are not in occupation in the 2021/2022 financial year;
  • Businesses who have already received the maximum amount of subsidy allowed;
  • Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made.


Parish Cllr Vacancies


August 2022

Make a difference

Become a Parish Councillor!

Blawith & Subberthwaite Parish Council have a vacancies and would really like to hear from you.

If you are passionate about the community and would like to get involved you should consider becoming a parish Councillor.

Please contact the clerk for further details on 01229 889319 or

email –



August 2022


A South Lakes training and development company with a mission to support and inspire organisations to get people and planet at the heart of what they do is expanding its offer of support.

Future Fixers CIC, led by Dave Brown and Karen Bentley-Brown with support from South Lakeland District Council, is launching Good Business Drop-in sessions for anybody interested in finding out more about purposeful business start-ups, sustainable business development strategies, personal and staff development, environmental audits, carbon management and green energy options, eco-innovation support, funding questions and more.

Those who want to find out how to ‘green’ their business, as well as how to look after their ‘people’ (staff, customers and themselves), are likely to benefit from these monthly drop-in sessions taking place at Mintworks in Kendal town centre, beginning on Tuesday 6 September at 9am.

Future Fixers CIC was originally set up by Dave Brown and Karen Bentley-Brown as a way to help young entrepreneurs to start purposeful businesses. Now, the organisation has grown into a well-established social enterprise with a team of skilled directors on board and is beginning to spread its wings.

Whilst their popular flagship Purposeful Business Start-up Programme, supported by South Lakeland District Council, is still very much part of what they are all about, Future Fixers also organises a wide variety of networking and training opportunities for businesses in the South Lakes area.

Karen said: "We support those who want to use their businesses as a way to influence positive change and we believe business can be a force for good. We need to work together if we are going to solve the climate crisis and ensure that future generations are able to thrive on a healthy planet, so we aim to connect like-minded people through a variety of events and courses. We’re particularly excited about our new ‘Better Business Drop-ins.’

"There are huge benefits for SMEs to commit to a more sustainable way of working. Reducing your carbon footprint can help you cut costs and save money on utility bills, travel costs, and on materials that are eventually discarded."

The first Better Business Drop-in session will be held in the Mintworks in Highgate, Kendal, on Tuesday September 6 from 9am to 4pm, and then every first Tuesday of the month.

Free advice will be available from a range of specialists, including Karen and Dave, Future Fixers’ directors and people from ‘good business’ support organisations, including Tim Maiden from Green Small Business.

As well as being able to drop in for a chat, people will be able to use the hot-desk facilities free of charge, meet and network with like-minded people, AND enjoy great coffee and (plant-based) cake.

Councillor Dyan Jones, SLDC's Portfolio Holder for Climate Action and Biodiversity, said: "Building businesses which are sustainable and environmentally friendly is not only vitally important to the future of the planet but is increasingly important to consumers, customers and employees.

"I would encourage anybody interested in finding out more to get themselves along to one of these sessions at the Mintworks, which have the added bonus of encouraging networking with like-minded people, free hotdesking and coffee and cake. It could be the first step towards something which will change your life."

Councillor Robin Ashcroft, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Culture and Leisure, said: "Future Fixers has proved to be a great success, providing excellent, practical support to people with a dream of using their passions and interests to start a sustainable business. We are delighted to have been able to support Future Fixers from the beginning and are excited to see the programme expand and develop, with the increasing number of businesses which have been supported by Karen and Dave a testament to its worth."

Meanwhile, the next Future Fixers Purposeful Business Start-up Programme begins on 21 September. If you or anyone you know is interested in setting up a people and planet focused business, further details can be found




August 2022


South Lakeland's Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) scheme has been modified to make it even more inclusive.

The scheme helps pay for changes so people can stay living independently, with South Lakeland District Council undertaking eligible works up to a value of £30,000.

Subject to a test of financial resource, households may be asked to make a contribution but the level at which the means test will now be applied to mandatory grants has been increased from £5,000 to £10,000. Where the adaptation is for a child or young person there is no test of financial resource for the first £30,000.

SLDC's Cabinet was told that the cost of DFG work in the past six months, particularly for level-access showers, which account for about 80 per cent of DFG grants, had been exceeding £5,000.

Councillor Helen Chaffey, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "This is a response to increasing costs and a definite move on our part to make this worthwhile scheme which makes a real difference to people's quality of life more accessible.

"Increasing the means test threshold will cut down waiting times for applications and the start of work.”

Typical DFG adaptations are:

  • stair lifts
  • wet floor shower areas
  • access ramping.

SLDC can help with the planning and design of the work along with Cumbria Social Services and health occupational therapists.

You can apply if you are:

  • registered or registerable as disabled (your social worker or occupational therapist can tell you this) and an owner-occupier or tenant. Social housing tenants may be able to get help from their housing association to adapt their homes;
  • acting on behalf of a person with disabilities who lives in your home;
  • a landlord acting on behalf of a tenant who has disabilities.

Councillor Suzie Pye, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, said: "It is vitally important that this support is there for individuals who need it and that it is as accessible as possible. This change will remove any unnecessary delays which could cause inconvenience and suffering.

"I urge anyone who feels they could benefit from this scheme to have a look on our website and find out what is available and if they are eligible for this support."

For more information on the scheme, go to:

For advice and assessment from a county council occupational therapist if you live in South Lakeland, contact: 01539 713378/713343/713111/713334 or email



July 2022


The annual canvass by South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) to ensure the electoral register is up to date is about to start.

Residents will receive an email or letter in the next few weeks listing the names of everyone the council has registered to vote at the property. Around 80 per cent of households will only need to respond if the information needs to be updated.

The council is legally required to ensure the electoral register is up to date, identifying any residents who are not registered to vote so they can be encouraged to do so. This involves checking every year to find out if anyone who is eligible to register to vote has, for example:

  • moved in or out of a property
  • turned 16 and is therefore old enough to register to vote
  • or needs to change any other information, such as someone would like to vote by post from now on.

Simon McVey, the council’s Electoral Registration Officer, said: “It’s important that residents look out for messages from SLDC so we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in South Lakeland.

“People who have moved recently are particularly encouraged to check their details because research by the Electoral Commission indicates that recent home movers are far less likely to be registered to vote than those who have lived at the same address for a long time.

"If you need to respond, the quickest and easiest way to do this is online, using the link and security numbers given in your email or letter.

"If you don’t use the internet you can respond by telephone. Your email or letter will tell you how to respond by text message, automated telephone or by calling our office.

“If you’re not currently registered, your name will not appear in the messages we send. If you want to register, the easiest way is online at, or we’ll send you information explaining how to do this in the post.”

SLDC will use the information from this year’s canvass to publish the Register of Electors on 1 December 2022.

You can find out more about the annual canvass, electoral registration and voting at:


  1. Electoral Commission graphic encouraging people to register to vote.
  2. As above.


  • The Representation of the People Act 1983 places a duty on Electoral Registration Officers to maintain the electoral register for their area and to conduct an annual canvass of all residential properties.
  • The electoral register lists the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote. The register is used for electoral purposes, such as making sure only eligible people can vote. It is also used for other limited purposes specified in law, such as detecting crime (e.g. fraud), calling people for jury service or checking credit applications.
  • The open register is an extract of the electoral register, but is not used for elections. It can be bought by any person, company or organisation. For example, it is used by businesses and charities to confirm name and address details. Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed. Removing your details from the open register does not affect your right to vote.
  • To be eligible to register to vote a person must be:

• Aged 16 or over (a person may register to vote at 16, but may not vote until they are 18)

• A British or qualifying Commonwealth citizen who has leave to enter and remain in the UK or does not require such leave.

• A citizen of the Republic of Ireland or other European Union (EU) member state.




July 2022


Businesses in South Lakeland affected by the coronavirus pandemic and previously ineligible for support are being urged to apply to a new business rates relief scheme.

South Lakeland District Council has £2,109,829 to distribute to businesses affected by Covid but ineligible for previous support schemes and not able to adapt – such as in the manufacturing, food distribution, wholesalers or supply chain sectors.

Government guidance for the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) states that reductions should be made under the CARF scheme to assist those ratepayers who have been adversely affected by the pandemic and who were unable to adequately adapt to that impact.

There will be an online application process. Details about eligibility and a link to the application forms can be found at:

Applications close at 11.59pm on 14 August 2022.



July 2022


News release

13 July 2022


South Lakeland District Council has increased its commitment to supporting small businesses better manage their environmental impacts and reap the benefits of going green.

SLDC has increased its contribution to its partnership with Green Small Business (GSB) to offer a heavily subsidised deal for firms to get environmental advice and certification.

GSB provides streamlined environmental management systems and net zero support for small businesses. Their environmental action planning and certification package, which includes 12 months Green Small Business certification, usually costs from £299. SLDC is paying 50 per cent of these costs for businesses in South Lakeland.

Tim Maiden from GSB said "Green Small Business provides a straightforward, low-hassle, low-cost way for you to manage the environmental impacts of your small business with tailored environmental policies and plans, green certification and support for becoming a net zero business.”

"We enable you to take practical and meaningful steps to improve the carbon and environmental performance of your business.

"Green Small Business certification can enhance the reputation of your business among customers and staff, increase the markets you can access and save you money."

The package of support includes:

• A high-level but systematic review of the environmental impacts of the business (via video-call or phone);

• A draft environmental action plan and policy for the business, for you to adjust as necessary;

• 12 months Green Small Business certification.

The benefits to a small business of becoming Green Small Business certified include:

• Providing evidence of environmentally-friendly practices which can help secure contracts with government, public or private sector bodies;

• Saving money by understanding and managing how you use energy and water, where your raw materials come from and how you dispose of waste;

• Enhancing reputation by demonstrating commitment to the environment to clients, customers and potential customers;

• Improving your environmental performance by reducing resource use, energy use and waste.

Councillor Dyan Jones, SLDC's Portfolio Holder for Climate Action and Biodiversity, said: “It is great to see so many businesses in South Lakeland taking their environmental impacts seriously and taking steps to reduce them. We at SLDC are delighted to be able to extend our offer, through Green Small Business, of expert support which will see more enterprises become increasingly energy efficient and environmentally aware."

Councillor Robin Ashcroft, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Culture and Leisure, said: "Working with the environment in mind should not be seen as a blocker to success in business. Becoming Green Small Business certified can enhance a business’s viability, profitability and attraction to customers, clients and partners, and I would encourage any small business which hasn't already done so to consider SLDC's subsidised offer of help."

If you are a business based in South Lakeland, email to receive your discount code.

To find out more, go to



July 2022

News release

12 July 2022


South Lakeland residents can now apply for the Sustainable Warmth scheme for support installing energy efficiency measures and low carbon heating into their homes.

These improvements could make homes warmer and more comfortable whilst helping to lower energy bills and carbon emissions.

Properties with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F or G will be prioritised.

Eligible households must also have a combined household income of less than £30,000 a year or be in receipt of means-tested benefit.

Eligible owner-occupied households can receive funding up to £10,000 to £25,000 depending on the property and heating type. Owner-occupiers do not need to contribute any money themselves. Landlords of privately rented homes may also be eligible for funding up to £5,000 subject to a contribution of a third of the cost of the measures.

Councillor Helen Chaffey, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "Raising the energy efficiency rating of low income and low Energy Performance Certificate rated households is a priority of South Lakeland District Council and developing housing sustainability will have many social, economic and environmental benefits, not least providing additional support to households in fuel poverty."

Measures available through the scheme include solar PV panels, air source heat pumps, double glazing, energy efficient front doors, cavity wall insulation, external wall insulation or loft insulation.

SLDC is part of a consortium of district councils in the county, led by Carlisle City Council, which successfully bid for government funding for the scheme.

Councillor Dyan Jones, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action and Biodiversity, said: "This scheme will play a significant part in our response to the climate emergency and our work towards the target of being a carbon neutral district by 2037 and ensuring that existing homes are energy efficient is a large element of achieving that goal."

South Lakeland District Council will write to households who may be eligible for the scheme. If you receive a letter or are interested in learning more, please contact or complete the application form on the Carlisle City Council website at



July 2022

News release (with pictures)

8 July 2022


Day trippers, holidaymakers and residents alike are being reminded that barbecues and campfires are not allowed in some of South Lakeland’s most popular parks and open spaces.

South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) has put up new signs warning people that they could be fined £100 on the spot or up to £1,000 in court if they light a fire or BBQ in council-owned locations including:

  • Rayrigg Meadow, Windermere
  • The Glebe, Bowness
  • Lightburn Park, Ulverston
  • Noble’s Rest, Kendal
  • Abbot Hall, Kendal
  • Borrans Park, Ambleside.

The ban on unauthorised campfires and barbecues is part of the new Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) which came into effect across South Lakeland in October 2021. These PSPOs are designed to help keep the district clean and safe for everyone and to prevent anti-social behaviour. They were introduced following a public consultation and will be in place for three years.

Councillor Eamonn Hennessy, SLDC portfolio holder for Customer and Locality Services, said: “We would appreciate everyone’s help to ensure South Lakeland’s beauty spots remain welcoming for everyone this summer.

“Sadly over the past few years we have seen instances where council benches and seats have been broken up for firewood, areas of grass have been destroyed, and disposable barbecues have burnt through bin liners and set fire to bins.

“It’s so easy to think, “Oh, one little BBQ won’t do any harm”, but in the summer months dry ground means there is a much greater risk of wildfires starting. These can be devastating to wildlife and habitat, as well as placing unnecessary pressure on Cumbria’s emergency services.”

SLDC’s Locality Officers will be stepping up their patrols at popular visitor spots across the district over the summer holidays to help keep everyone safe, and they will be keeping a look out for unauthorised fires and BBQs.

Cllr Hennessy added: “The last thing our officers want to do is ruin someone’s day out or holiday by handing them a £100 fixed penalty notice, and if taken to court you could be fined up to £1,000.

“The best advice is to stick to the Countryside Code and leave no trace of your visit. Picnics are a much safer bet than barbecues, but if you do decide to light up a BBQ at an area that is not covered by a PSPO, then put it out afterwards and make sure the ashes are cold before disposing of them responsibly.

“If you see an unattended fire, always call 999.”

Full details of the locations of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) across South Lakeland can be found at and the Countryside Code is at



July 2022


News release

7 July 2022


Community groups who would like a cash boost for their poverty alleviation schemes are being urged to apply to a new grant scheme before the closing date.

South Lakeland District Council's Fairer South Lakeland Community Fund has £25,000 to support projects that help alleviate poverty.

Applications can be for both established projects and new initiatives, and applicants can work with other funders, community organisations and agencies to maximise the impacts.

Projects could include:

• Community schemes/projects (e.g. community energy, repair/reuse, community food initiatives, community car share schemes, warm hubs and networking schemes)

• Projects to support local people in moving toward financial stability and security;

• Schemes which target the alleviation of child poverty and promote inclusion in mainstream activities;

• Projects supporting vulnerable people back into work;

• Sustainable, cost-effective transport initiatives; for example community lift-share, cycling and walking projects;

• Initiatives promoting sound financial management.

The overarching criteria is that the long-term aim of the project must be to tackle poverty.

The maximum award to an individual project is £8,000, with scope for additional funding in exceptional cases, and the council will consider applications from town and parish councils, local charities, community interest companies, voluntary groups and other not-for-profit organisations in South Lakeland.

Applications close on 19 August 2022.

Councillor Suzie Pye, SLDC's portfolio holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, said: "Time is running out for groups to apply to our Fairer South Lakeland Community Fund. This is a great opportunity for South Lakeland's vast network of local groups and organisations who are best placed to match local need with initiatives to help the most vulnerable people.

"I urge any group or organisation with an established project or an idea for one which this fund could kick-start to apply."

Applications for the Fairer South Lakeland Community Fund can be made online at, where more information on what the funding can be used for and how to apply can also be found.

If you have any questions about the fund or wish to discuss an idea for a project, please contact or Cllr Pye at

Community Fund


June 2022


South Lakeland District Council today launches a £25,000 fund aimed at supporting projects that help alleviate poverty.

SLDC is encouraging town and parish councils, community and voluntary groups and local charities to apply to the first round of the new Fairer South Lakeland Community Fund as soon as possible.

Applications can be for both established projects and new initiatives, and applicants can work with other funders, community organisations and agencies to maximise the impacts.

Projects could, for example, aim to give more extra-curricular opportunities to children from poorer households; they may work with local food hubs to expand their reach or update facilities; they may increase transport connections in rural communities; or help vulnerable people into work.

The overarching criteria is that the long-term aim of the project must be to tackle poverty.

Cost of Living Support


June 2022

A number of bits of funding have been announced nationally recently to help with the rise in the cost of living - the national schemes announced by the chancellor are summarised here:

Locally, Cumbria County Council's Cabinet yesterday approved £2m fundingto support a range of measures, including more support linked to free school meals, including increases in school uniform grants:

We know there are likely to people who are eligible for free schools meals who aren't currently claiming them - so it'd be really helpful if people could publicise the information about how to do so, and the additional benefits that are linked to them - all in the press release above.

Road Closure


May 2022

A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Electricity North West to carry out utility works which are expected to commence 20th June 2022 and anticipated to take 4 nights between 19:00 - 07:00 to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the closure and alternative route, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link

Location: A5084 WATER YEAT, TORVER

Alternative Route:the unrestricted section of the A5084, A593, A595 and the A5092 and a way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times

Covid Testing


April 2022

31 March 2022

Free COVID testing ends in Cumbria for most people – what happens next?

Free widespread symptomatic and asymptomatic testing for COVID-19 has now ended in Cumbria.

From today (31 March), free tests will only be available for people who develop symptoms and are at risk of serious illness from COVID-19 and are eligible for treatments, along with NHS and adult social care staff and those in other high-risk settings.

The decision to end most free testing was taken as part of central government’s “Living with COVID” strategy to live with and manage the virus - published back in February 2022.

Cumbria’s Director of Public Health, Colin Cox, said: “With widespread free testing no longer available, vaccines are our best defence against the virus.

“The NHS is now offering spring boosters to the elderly, care home residents and the most vulnerable. The success of the vaccination programme is enabling the country to manage the virus like other respiratory infections. This includes public health guidance and encouraging responsible behaviour, while targeting testing to protect those most at risk and enable healthcare treatment to go ahead safely.

“Although restrictions have now been removed, and most testing reduced, the pandemic is not over. The public should continue to follow the updated public health guidance to protect themselves and others, particularly those who may become seriously ill if infected with COVID-19.

“While there is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate, if you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or test positive, we strongly advise everybody to stay at home and avoid contact with others.”

Information on who can access free coronavirus (COVID-19) tests from 1 April 2022 and how to get them can be found on the government website. However, additional government guidance is expected to be released tomorrow (April 1 2022).

To find out how to get a 1st, 2nd or booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and how you will be contacted for your vaccinations, visit the NHS website.

In the week ending 25 March, there were 5,233 new cases in Cumbria, which is an increase of 295 or 6% compared to the previous week (4,938 new cases in the previous week). For the latest COVID-19 situation report, please visit



February 2022

Joint news release

18 February 2022


Are you interested in helping to shape the future of local government in Cumbria?

Anyone considering standing to become a councillor on the new Westmorland and Furness Council is being invited to an online briefing event to learn more about the election process.

The online briefing is being held Wednesday, 2 March, for agents and potential candidates looking to stand for election to Westmorland and Furness Council.

From 1 April 2023 local government in Cumbria is changing, as the current six district councils and Cumbria County Council will be replaced by two new unitary authorities.

In the area currently covered by Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District councils a new authority, Westmorland and Furness Council, will be taking over providing all the services currently delivered in those areas by district and borough councils and the county council.

As part of the complex process to set up the Westmorland and Furness Council, elections will take place in May this year to elect 65 councillors in new wards across the Westmorland and Furness area. These councillors will be elected for a five-year term of office, the first year on a ‘Shadow Authority’ that willoversee the planning and preparation for the new unitary council, followed by four years on Westmorland and Furness Council.

The Shadow Authority will have important business to conclude before April 2023, including adopting a constitution and code of conduct for the Westmorland and Furness Council and appointing a cabinet and leader.

They will also designate interim officers to key statutory positions so that the new council can legally operate and will take decisions to prepare for the running of all services currently carried out by the county, borough and district councils from April 2023.

The existing county, borough and district councils will continue to operate and deliver services until April 2023 and the Shadow Authority will work alongside, until Westmorland and Furness Council ‘goes live’ on 1 April 2023. It will be at that point the Shadow Authority and its 65 councillors become the new Westmorland and Furness Council and the existing county, borough and district councils will be dissolved.

Anyone who is interested in standing for election to Westmorland and Furness Council is being invited to attend the online briefing, starting at 5pm on 2 March 2022, being hosted by the election Returning Officer, Sam Plum, who is Chief Executive of Barrow Borough Council.

Sam Plum will be joined by election officers to explain more about the process of standing for election, including details about the nomination process and deadlines.

Potential candidates and agents can register for the briefing by sending an email to:

The deadline to register for the briefing is Monday, 28 February at 5pm.

A further email containing the Teams link and joining instruction for the briefing will then be forwarded to all those who have registered. The intention is to record the briefing and make the recording available on request to anyone unable to attend on 2 March.

For more information about the Local Government Reorganisation process in Cumbria, please see:Home (



February 2022

15 February 2022

Cumbria Local Resilience forum prepare ahead of Storm Dudley and Eunice

A multi-agency response is being prepared ahead of forecasted Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice which may impact the county this week.

Cumbria Local Resilience Forum have held preparatory meetings to ensure that any response is coordinated to ensure communities can access any help and support they require.

The Cumbria Local Resilience Forum are on standby to deal with an major incident if needed.

Chair of the Local Resilience Forum Superintendent Matt Pearman from Cumbria Police said “The Cumbria Local Resilience Forum have been meeting to prepare ahead of Storm Dudley and Eunice.

“All agencies are working together to ensure that our communities have access to the help and support they may require during the storms.

“We also ask that our communities prepare themselves ahead of Dudley and Eunice and make themselves aware of the key contacts and ensure any vulnerable people within our communities are also aware and prepared”

For the latest information and updates follow:

  • Cumbria Police on twitter @CumbriaPolice or on Facebook here
  • Cumbria County Council on Twitter at @CumbriaCC of on Facebook here

To report any issues or if you need help for yourself or someone vulnerable please see the following agencies contact details.

· Electricity North West on 105, but please only call if your query is urgent to help prioritise customers in the most vulnerable circumstances. For more information, please For further updates on power cuts, you can visit or you can follow Electricity North West on Twitter or Facebook

· For water supply issues contact United Utilities on 0345 672 3723

· or call 101 if you have concerns about your own safety and well-being, or the safety and well-being of someone you know. If there is an immediate risk to life call 999.

· If you wish to report a problem on the county’s roads, please report online via the County Council website -Highways | Cumbria County Council

· If you are open to Cumbria County Council’s Adult Social Care, have care and support needs and these needs cannot be met due toa power outage ,please contact Adult Social Care on 0300 303 3589

· Keep up-to-date with the weather

· For latest traffic and roads information

Expected Storms


February 2022

Be aware there are two big storms coming - Cumbria Local Resilience Forum partners are preparing for these, and you can help by getting prepared too. For example:

  • Avoid travelling during the windiest periods (tomorrow - Wednesday - lunchtime/evening/night, and then again on Friday) when conditions could be really poor, and there is a risk of trees falling.
  • Stay off the hills and off the water - it's not going to be any fun out there, and they'll be there to enjoy another day
  • Be prepared for a power cut (although fingers crossed there won't be any significant one) - check you've got batteries for torches and radios, some food that doesn't need cooking (you can never have too much chocolate in the house etc.
  • If you do experience issues like a loss of power or communications, please check on your neighbours and help them if necessary - the response within communities is essential, and almost always the quickest support that people will get - and Cumbria's really good at it!

Road Safety Meeting


February 2022

The Parish Council are joining with Lowick Parish Council to form an initial working group composed of local residents and some councillors who are concerned about our roads, and the enormous amount of fast vehicles we now have to endure!






Community Resilience Plan


February 2022

Water Yeat and Blawith are in the early stages of forming a Community resilience group.

Part of the group's responsibility is to create a Community Emergency plan, so we can be better prepared for future Emergency situations,

and better equipped to support each other through difficult times.

Other towns and Villages have successfully put plans together, to help create a safe co-ordinated Neighbourhood.

If you would like more information or register an interest, contact

Mary Giles(parish councillor) or


We hope to have a date for an informal Neighbourhood meeting in the near future.

Watch this space !!

Omicron Business Grants


January 2022


News release

20 January 2022


The application process is now open for grants to businesses in South Lakeland affected by the Omicron variant of coronavirus.

Hospitality (defined as accommodation, food & beverage services) and leisure premises will benefit from Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grants of up to £6,000, administered by South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) and aimed at easing the dual impact of staff absences and lower consumer demand.

Recipients of the new one-off Hospitality and Leisure grant must be solvent businesses, and ratepayers in the hospitality and leisure sector. For example, a pub; hotel; restaurant; bar; cinema; tourist attraction or village hall.

Grants are per eligible premises and the amount paid is varied by rateable value (RV) of each eligible premises, in three bands: RV of £0-15,000 (will receive £2,667); RV of £15,000-£51,000 (will receive £4,000); and RV of over £51,000 (will receive £6,000).

Applications close at midday on February 28.

Details about eligibility and a link to the application forms can be found at:

Councillor Robin Ashcroft, SLDC portfolio holder for Economy, Culture and Leisure, said: “Knowledge and good working practices developed through the many business support schemes we have administered since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020 meant officers have been able to quickly stand up another effective and efficient application process.

"Supporting businesses in South Lakeland through these tough times is vital and SLDC is committed to doing everything we can to make sure they get through this.

"If you think you might be eligible, please check the criteria and get your application in before the deadline."

More details on this scheme and other support available – including business rate relief, free business support and advice available to businesses in South Lakeland – can also be found at:

SLDC is also finalising details for a new discretionary Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) to support other businesses, based on local economic need.


The following definitions for the purposes of this scheme are as below:

• Hospitality: a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink;

• Leisure: a business that provides opportunities, experiences and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation, entertainment, celebratory events, days and nights out, betting and gaming;

• Accommodation: a business whose main lodging provision is used for holiday, travel and other purposes.

The list below is not exhaustive, but indicative of the types of businesses that can be supported under this scheme.


Food courts, public houses/pub restaurants, restaurants, roadside restaurants, wine bars and cafes.


Casinos and gambling clubs, cinemas, museums and art galleries, stately homes & historic houses, theatres, zoos & safari parks, amusement parks, wedding venues, events venues, nightclubs & discotheques, arenas, concert halls, tourist attractions, theme parks, amusement arcades, soft play centres or areas, indoor riding centres, clubs & institutions, village halls & scout huts, cadet huts.


Caravan parks, caravan sites and pitches, chalet parks, coaching inns, country house hotels, guest houses, hostels, hotels, lodge holiday apartments, cottages or bungalows, campsites, boarding houses, canal boats or other vessels, B&Bs, catered holiday homes, holiday homes.


For more information, please contact the SLDC Communications Team on 01539 793300.

Handy Person Scheme


January 2022


News release

21 January 2022


Residents in need of practical help around their homes are being reminded that a free council-run service could provide support.

South Lakeland District Council’s (SLDC) Handy Person Scheme offers assistance with simple but essential jobs around the home to help people maintain independent living and quality of life.

The service provides help with anything from changing a lightbulb to putting up shelving, installing hand rails and small repairs such as unblocking sinks, as well as fitting curtain rails and moving heavy items.

The scheme, run in partnership with Barrow-based repairs and service company Growing Concerns, also enables the fitting of minor security measures including; a key safe, door viewer and chain.

The work is free of charge except for the cost of materials, unless they have been supplied as part of a scheme with a partner agency.

Councillor Suzie Pye, portfolio holder for health, wellbeing and poverty alleviation, said: “We have been running the Handy Person Scheme successfully for a number of years in partnership with Growing Concerns and have received great feedback about the service they provide. It’s a fantastic scheme and vital to those who don’t have family or friends nearby to help with those odd jobs round the house you can't do yourself.

"Helping people in our communities to be independent is a priority for South Lakeland District Council and this service is a fantastic way to help achieve that. I would urge anybody who thinks they, or somebody they know, would benefit from this scheme to get in touch."

Assistance under the Handy Person Scheme is available to people who are unable to undertake the task themselves and have no other person available to help them with the task and reside in the South Lakeland area, who:

• are aged 65 and over; or

• have a disability or are vulnerable; or

• are being discharged or have recently been discharged from hospital; or

• are at high risk of falling due to a medical condition; or

• potential victims of crime, who are referred by the police.

Works are limited to a maximum of three hours on site if one handy person visits, or 1.5 hours if two handy people visit. Gardening and decorating are not included. Eligible households can use the service up to six times a year.

The scheme is supported by Cumbria Constabulary and Age UK, and the fitting of minor security measures is also included in the scheme.

David Shields, who runs Growing Concerns with his wife, Marie, said: “We are proud to have worked with South Lakeland District Council for the past 17 years. The range of work we can carry out is wide and makes such a difference to our clients.

"To see how grateful they are for what the scheme can provide is better than anything."

Further details of the scheme, including qualifying criteria and time/usage constraints, are available on the council’s website at, via telephone on 01539 733 333 or via email on Referrals should also be made via that telephone number or email address. Referrals can be made on behalf of someone else with their permission.


Work available through the scheme includes:

• Fitting of minor security measures such as spy-holes, door and window locks and security lighting;

• Fitting key safes, door bells or telephone extension leads;

• Changing light bulbs and fluorescent tubes;

• Fitting plugs/fuses or fixing down/making safe trailing or loose wires;

• Putting up curtain rails, curtains or blinds;

• Installing internal and external grab rails;

• Erecting shelves or affixing coat hooks;

• Fixing down or trimming loose or hazardous carpets;

• Moving furniture within the home;

• Replacing toilet seats or sealant around sinks/baths;

• Unblocking sinks and repairing minor leaks;

• Replacing tap washers, cistern washers and ball valves or draining/bleeding radiators;

• Initial help following hospital discharge (for example, resetting heating controls);

• Minor repairs to gates, fences and paths to prevent tripping hazards or to help secure the property.


For more information, please contact the SLDC Communications Team on 01539 793300.

Parish Councillor vacancy

Blawith and Subberthwaite Parish Council


October 2021

Do you know someone who would be a good Parish Councillor or would it be something you would like to do?

A councillor is a voice of its community and can affect real change by representing the local community, delivering services and improving the quality of life of its residents.

The Parish Council can and does make a difference because it is made up of representatives from you the electorate.

No special qualifications are required to be a councillor.

You only have to:

  • have an interest in Blawith and Subberthwaite Parish
  • be prepared to be involved in the Council’s work
  • be able to attend the monthly meetings.

To be a Parish Councillor a candidate must

  • be 18 years or over
  • a British subject or a citizen of a member state of the European Union
  • be:
    1. an elector of the parish or
    2. a person who over the whole of the last twelve months has been an owner or tenant of land or premises in the parish or has lived in the parish or within three miles or has had his/her principle place of work in the parish.

You cannot be a Parish Councillor if you

  • are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order
  • have, within 5 years before the day of the election, been convicted in the UK of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over 3 months without the option of fine
  • work for the council you want to become a councillor for.

Contact the Parish Clerk for more information

Christine Adams
Telephone: 01229 889329

The closing date is Wednesday 3 November 2021.

Crake Valley events mailing list

Blawith and Subberthwaite Parish Council


October 2021

If you would like to be kept informed about events in the Coniston and Crake valley and surrounding area, why not sign up to the Crake Events email list.

Crake Events is a voluntary organisation sponsored by Blawith and Subberthwaite Parish Council. The Crake Events team send out information from events organisers as it is received.

We mainly help to promote events that are taking place within the area of the six parishes bordering Coniston and the Crake, but will also send you news of events in other surrounding parishes that might be of interest.

Help in the community

Blawith and Subberthwaite Parish Council


October 2021

Lowick, Blawith and Oxen Park voluntary car scheme

If you would like find out more about this service or are interested in driving for the scheme, please phone the local contact Marguerite on 01229 885498.

Handy person scheme

The Handy Person Scheme aims to help elderly or vulnerable householders carry out very simple but essential works at their homes.

The Scheme run by South Lakeland District Council helps eligible residents in the SLDC area who are unable to undertake the tasks themselves or have no one to help them.

How to check eligibility and the types of work undertaken and make a request.